Sunday Morning Testing Fun! (2 of 3 Prizes Won!)

Win a @KLYE Upvote & Help Me Test Things?!

Going to do a bit of testing on @tippy this morning, currently on version 0.0.12 and have a few things left to add and a fair stack of bugs to squash before it's launch worthy...

Seems We've uncovered 1 bug so far in this testing round. I'll see if I can fix it here soon!

Comment below @tippy roll to get a roll number!

Roll as many times as you want! First 3 users to roll 100 get 100% upvotes on them.. The point of this test is to see I've properly fixed the reply queue function on the bot. If it doesn't respond try again. I'll try to keep my eye on the bot console to see if it's chucking errors or crashed. Good luck to everyone! May your rolls be lucky!

Make sure to include a link on your rolls so I know what post to vote if you win!

( Only one prize per an account can be won! )

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