Why Do People Think The Christchurch Mosque Massacre is a Good Idea?


On March 15th of 2019, a terrorist by the name of Brenton Tarrant massacred 42 devoted religious believers at Al Noor Mosque in the suburb of Riccarton in New Zealand. The terrorist Brenton Tarrant, is a Facebook user who Live Streamed the massacre on Facebook Live. Then he proceeded to massacre 7 religious people at The Linwood Islamic Center.

I can tell you from personal experience that the mainstream media got the story wrong again. Firstly, politicians asked their media friends to not use the name of the terrorist. Does this really matter? It seems like such a trite point. Of course, when a terrorist has an Arab name, the same media publishes the name. This of course brings shame to many Muslims who, while innocent, are associated with the name. For example, I have a younger 2nd cousin we grew up with, playing basketball, and his name is Osama. The word Osama means lion. Back in the day, when the media started to amplify the name of the infamous terrorist Osama Bin Laden, the harassment of my cousin at school, for sharing the name of a terrorist became too unbearable for him. So, his parents decided to home school him, which arguably is better than public education, so the way I see it, fate took a course for the better. So, basically the mainstream media is against Muslims.

It's not only the media that is to blame. In the US we have freedom of speech that is leveraged to promote controversial and sometimes disrespectful ideas. For instance, my name is Waqar, and growing up in the US, my fellow Americans have often mocked my name and called me "Wacker," insinuating that I am a masturbator. American children have been mocking my name since I was a child. Now I'm almost 40 years old, and American adults are doing this to me. The American has a disgusting mind from birth to death. I can't say my countrymen are good people because they simply are not good. Such disrespectful attacks are not allowed in Islam, but Americans are usually not respectful people because they grew up with extreme individualism, and so they don't even respect other people. This is why in ANY conflict between the US and a Muslim force, I usually support the Muslim side. Of course I love America, it's just that I know America will lose, simply because it is wrong, disrespectful, and just keeps getting Vietnamed out there in the middle east. This may be because Americans believe that they are the exception, but this is scientifically false. I'm sorry America, but you have become a developing nation, and Muslims will certainly keep beating you in every way, until America starts running on accurate information. Most Americans are flat wrong about Islam. Americans routinely disrespect Muslims and ironically get beat again and again by this Muslim group or that. When will Washington and American Islamophobes learn?

Of course American Muslims have been commanded by their Prophet to be loyal to their country. So up until now, most Muslim Americans have remained patriotic. However the Prophet said that if they oppress you, you should leave that country. It's clear to me that Muslims are no longer safe in the west. It's clear to me that westerners hate Muslims. Now is the time to go back, and simultaneously fight for Islam in the west. I believe that American leaders are stupid people. In fact I know this. Rarely a good American leader may emerge, but once again, disrespectful followers also hold Americans back. Americans will never lead the world again. It's on the decline, it's been declining my whole life. So, we must oust and lead them to peace in the same manner that the Islamic world has imperialized and renovated other regions of the world. We must not allow the Americas to proceed uncolonized, and we should also retreat to Islamic nations, to bolster the global spread of Islam, the religion of truth. It would be a good thing for racist Americans. It would teach them respect. Also, we didn't need a security guard at the mosque when I was a kid. We do now. Every single mosque should have armed guards in case copy cat terrorists attack again. We must not be victims.

Secondly, the media here in the US, played down the fact that the massacre was conducted by a Facebook terrorist, and insisted that the attack was motivated by their own political enemies. This is convenient and lazy media tradition called, "never let a good massacre go to waste."

NEVER TRUST A JOURNALIST. - Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan

Many Muslims are seeking peaceful ways to respond to Facebook's weaponization sent to kill peaceful supplicants of one of the world's most beautiful religions. Have faith, and remember that God will never ghost on you like a Facebook user has been programmed to.

As Muslims we should have the balls to mention the name of Brenton Tarrant and that he is a Facebook terrorist. This is the key fact that, for example, the Rupert Murdoch led media wants you to gloss over. This is not to waste time niggerizing kids named "Brenton", but to remember that in a few weeks the media will simply focus on something else, and with the amnesia of the 24 hour news cycle, this attack, like so many will be forgotten. The media is actively trying to downplay the shooting. They want to fool Muslims into thinking that they are safe in their wing nut gun toting enclaves.

Next, realize that Facebook users hate you. Facebook is a hate group. Since the platform emerged suicide rates have sky rocketed. Mental health professionals warn users to not use Facebook.

Don't take my word for it, this is straight from the horse's mouth:

Furthermore, all of my Muslim friends, as well as our allies of all faiths can stop using Facebook. Furthermore, if you are a Facebook investor, you are now guilty of "funding terrorist organizations," and hate groups. It's fair to say in today's age where the defamation of Muslims has become normalized. I can tell you from personal experience, that if you are a user, they are exploiting everything about you as a product. They don't care about your privacy... do they... Well, back when I tried the platform, they one day put a bunch of crazy stuff on my newsfeed. So, for a while I began using an app called "news feed blocked," and eventually I found that it was geared to waste time, so I stopped using Facebook.

Some are advocating for the arrest of the Facebook leaders, and some urge governments around the world to dismantle Facebook so that they stop terrorizing the world.

If you are a believer in The One True God and if you believe that God's greatest messenger is simply telling it like it is, then know that Facebook is a nation that wants to kill you. Facebook wants to kill your parents. Facebook book wants to make you feel like a Motherless Child. Facebook hates religion and religious people of all faiths. Obviously, Facebook wants to kill Muslim families and friends.

Facebook is the actual thing driving the live streaming of atrocities. Facebook actually actively involved in programming and radicalizing terrorists. I know this from personal experience as I'm sure many of the people who use it currently are aware of.

Facebook is a weapon of mass destruction, and so I urge Islamic leaders worldwide to begin a global campaign to unite the world's 1.5 BILLION Muslims (22 percent of the world's population) to remove Facebook through the use of peaceful tactics. If I worked for Facebook I would probably leave the firm now these odious ideas have become normalized. Maybe, we must diligently and methodically sever Facebook's revenue stream and permanently put Facebook and their Brenton "TERRORIST" Tarrant's out of business?

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