When Is An Act Labeled Terrorism, Condolences To The Victims Of Las Vegas. World Peace

First of all, My heart goes out to the people of Las Vegas. This is a senseless tragedy. So many lives lost, so many families grieving.

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What does it take for a crime to be labeled an act of "TERRORISM". Apparently, a man oppening fire on 22,000 people at a country music festival, killing 58 people and injuring over 489 is NOT an act of terrorism. According to world leaders and Donald Trump, terrorism can only be commited by Muslims, black people etc.

After the tradgic event that occured on 1st October, people have been triggered and although sorrowed by the event. Questions are arising, why isn't the mass shooting being labeled and treated as terrorism?? Instead the POTUS came out with a speech that clearly indicates he is living in denial and being partial. The venom he has shown for other mass attacks was simply not there, he didn't even go on twitter to rant about it. Instead Trump calls the Las Vegas shooter a sick demented man

What is Terrorism??

According to your everyday dictionary, Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

But unfortunately, as the world is evolving, the ideology that terrorism is defined by the pursuit of political gains is flawed and should be criticised because the hypocrites of this world refer to mass terror as terrorism only when it supports their SELFISH AGENDAS. They label certain religions and certain races as TERRORISTS, resulting in the voices and hearts of the masses to be lost and bent to their wills. This causes further discrimination and hate between ourselves.

So my definition of a TERRORIST is simple, a terrorist has developed into a synonym of "mass killing". Someone who causes terror to the mass. Simple as that

No one should be able to label one mass killing as terrorism, and another as not.



There's a lot of controversy around the world about civilians owning guns. There are pros and cons, and everyone on the road has their own perspective on it. But i feel to promote love and safety, guns should be regulated and the rules to owning one should be strict. A man runing around with a machine gun is not safe for anyone. Unless your bias, you can't know a terrorist by their face.

Change begins with us and a good heart will radiate to the community and the rest of the World. PRAY FOR PEACE AND EQUALITY

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