Dear Wolfgang / Sandy Hook Revisited [MIRROR]

[Video at bottom]

At the Sandy Hook Elementary School “shooting,” there was ZERO MEDICAL RESPONSE REALITY displayed for all the world to see, if you would only look for yourself:

Why were some responding EMT's not allowed to approach the school?

Why are paramedics at the school laying out their empty triage tarps far down the parking lot and nowhere near the entrance of the school where we are supposed to believe 26 bodies lie inside?

As revealed by helicopter footage, why is there absolutely no medical chaos or sense of urgency to save these 26 victims?  In reality, there would have been pandemonium getting them to a hospital to try to resuscitate them? (A person who has no pulse can still be resuscitated). 

Why are there 5 ambulances at the firehouse up the street AND NOT A SINGLE ONE AT THE SCHOOL? 

Why are those ambulances taped off and blocked in with no way to get out and surrounded by masses of people walking around in circles?

Why was not a single Medi-Vac helicopter brought in to try to save any of these 20 children and 6 adults?

Sandy Hook Dash Cam Video indicates anomalous behavior under the circumstances, where dozens of police break for lunch despite the fact that the nurse and secretary are still missing and that armed dangerous suspects are reported at large in a purple van. But there’s always time for the police to bring in boxes of Doritos, groceries, bananas, Gatorade and other picnic items into the middle of the crime scene. Someone even brought in a portable toilet, THOUGH THEY CANNOT SUPPLY ANY DOCUMENTATION OF WHO ORDERED IT AND WHEN.

According to the Coroner, they thought it best that the parents identify the bodies of their children based on photographs.

Why did not a single parent insisted on seeing their child's body in person?

Why did Brian Williams THAT SAME NIGHT report that the parents were allowed to stay with the bodies of their children all day?

Why in every interview with these parents merely 1 day later are they laughing and smiling ear-to-ear as they talk about the loss of their precious 6-year-old child, interviewed by Anderson Cooper of CNN and every mainstream media channel?

Why were the bodies left inside the school until after dark, when they were allegedly removed?

How realistic is that?

It’s not realistic at all, because YOU are being lied to. 

And the above information is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you think your “government” is stepping all over you and your rights now (which they are), just wait until you give up your Right To Bear Arms.

Never give up your INHERENT Right To Bear Arms. If you do, it’s game over.

And that was the FAILED purpose of the Sandy Hook school “shooting” that never even took place.

It’s up to you which world you want to live in: 

The REAL world, or the fake one that is making you a subservient, dumbed-down, obedient little  sheep?

The choice is yours.

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