Jonas' death. A stolen history.

It is established that our end time Prophet Jonas was the 5th Minor Prophet and according to the book 'The Demon Code' written by Adam Blake, was part of the 5th Monarch.

I have been unable to find out anything about the 5th Monarch but in this demon code book, it appraises Jonas a lot more differently than conventional available text.

"And in the end days, the unbelievers will be shown the sign of Jonas", represented by the fish. The belly of the beast.

Jonas was put to death by the system in 1660 for giving warning about the year 1666. He wrote a series of end time prophecies depicting detailed and accurate accounts of terrorism that would take place during the end days.

In this book " The Demon Code" his prophecies in his personal memoir were turned into a book called "A trumpet Speaking judgment". It was a time of Renaissance and radical thinkers felt free to express with their gifts. Alas, this time of much opportunity was met with murderous rage and jealousy from those feeding off the establishment.

Jonas had an accident and was ready to commend his soul into the hands of The Most High when he was instead saved and sustained by the words of an angel. The angel had whispered into his ears about the prophecies and events yet to take place while he was suppose to die. Miraculously, he didn't and achieved his true calling in life.

Jonas went on to write these prophecies word by word. When the Judas seed realised that their plans of terrorism had been snatched and exposed, they hunted down every copy and destroyed it. Then they murdered everybody who read it.

The accounts of Jonas in the bible are obviously a cover up of what really happened.

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