We don't need more rules, we need more respect of fellow beings!

Attacks are happening more and more theese days, what comes of it? Fear and more controle on the populations. Who loses twice? we do.

If theres a will, theres a way! You can put all the 'safety measures' you want in place but if someone wants to hurt alot of people, they will find a way. Anything can be used for good/bad.

What we need is to talk to each other more, get to know our neighbours and colleagues. Try to included those lonely people into a community. Teach and spread RESPECT for human life as much as we can.

You play a role in the world no matter how big or small a part, you're important, what you say and do matters! I love you all! 💚❤💜💙💛

Miss Threedom ♡

Be Yourself, Be Unique & Be Kind! ♡

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