Bitcoin Reading List.

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I love how some of our Bitcoin enthusiasts are contributing their efforts to improve the platform. It is indeed a flourishing community that I am looking forward to be not only dynamic but also successful on its mission of freeing many process congestion in our society. For one, I encountered today is an effort to promote greater Bitcoin understanding globally, respected advocate of the space and CasaHODL CEO, Jameson Lopp. He has just overhauled one of the space’s best resources for those wanting to get started in digital currency, this is the link to access that resources --->>>

When you visit that site, you may just click the link of the topics that interest you most. The material that Lopp has sourced are from different contributors themselves and consist of different articles and videos. It is an ideal first stop for a budding crypto enthusiast or further learner and has pages dedicated to beginner concepts, along with much more advanced literature focused on mining, understanding how fees are calculated and even taxes computation. Conveniently, Lopp has labelled different resources as “non-technical”, “a bit technical”, etc.

Andreas Antonopoulos’s second book on Bitcoin, The Internet of Money. We recommend starting with his second book since it has been comprised of talks by the computer scientist, often delivered to rooms full of people without technical backgrounds. For those wanting to delve more into the computer science side of digital currency, Antonopoulos’s first book, Mastering Bitcoin, is perfect to start thinking about actually building applications on the Bitcoin network.

Saifedean Ammous’s book, The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking. In his work, the Lebanese professor of economics discusses the current fiat monetary system as an historical anomaly. He looks at how economies of yesteryear that were based on sound money – gold – were able to prosper and how a future economy backed by Bitcoin could create a shift in the very consuming habits of humanity.

if you have little ones and you want to get them started in the world of crypto, all of the above might be a little overwhelming for them. For these young learners, we recommend the recently penned, B is for Bitcoin. by author and crypto enthusiast Graham Moore.

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