Lie Revealed! Winner of 10 facts & 1 lie challenge.


The Lie is Finally Revealed!

The time has finally come! So 7 days ago I put up a post for the 10 Facts & 1 Lie Challenge, here is the original post & comments. I listed just what it required, which was 10 truths and 1 lie and everyone who commented made a guess (or two undecided ones in some cases) trying to win some SBD I was giving away. So, why don't we find out which one was the Lie...


My first real job was at a Bingo Hall. I served food and coffee (even in the smoking room) and fairly late hours. I used the money from this job to go clubbing & buy clothes for those occasions.


I worked at a Bingo Hall when I turned 16 (well just before). The smoking room was the worst because I would leave my job spelling so badly like smoke. It did pay for my all ages clubbing nights and my clothes for those occasions. Few bucks for glowsticks at the beginning of the night, taxi money, and other stuff.

Who guessed this option was a lie: @thekitchenfairy


I have never broken a single bone in my body.


I have never broken a bone. I have no clue how it is possible as I feel I was decently wreckless as a teenager, especially playing sports and inline skating, but I have been lucky enough that I never have indeed broken anything.

Who guessed this option was a lie: @saffisara @ilhuna


When I was a teenager I used to live on the 15th floor of an apartment building. I used to sit on the corner of the balcony and loop my feet through some gaps near the top of the balcony and then lean back over the edge.


I WISH I could say this was a lie...but it wasn't. This was one of my more STUPID moments as a teenager. I thought it was fun, and I was not afraid of heights really in my younger years (this changed after becoming a mom), and I used to get a kick out of freaking my friends and sisters out. I stopped doing this after a while due to having an adult I knew fall off and die from one of the balconies of a neighboring building. He wasn't doing the stupid stuff I was doing, he just happened to have an unfortunate accident of drinking and being way too tall and tumbled over the edge. After that, I no longer leaned over the balcony because it all of a sudden put the "we are not invincible" crap right into the forefront of my mind. Who guessed this option was a lie: @emjoe @phelimint


I turned down a decent sized role in a play because I had a line that included the word Scruples, and at the time I did not understand it and instead thought it was a disease so I didn't want to play that character.


This was completely 100% true. I think my nerves had gotten a bit more to me because this was the first time I had gotten cast in a fairly major role (this was in high school), as all my other ones had been supporting or minor roles. I had gotten this role and when I read the script and saw that I immediately thought that yes, scruples was a disease of some sort. So, instead of checking it out I just decided to leave the play and decline my role. It was a war-time based play which I didn't really love anyway, but it would've been really cool if I had stayed on as I think if I would've I may have been a bit more decisive and sure on going into the musical dramatic arts that I originally wanted to in College.

Who guessed this option was a lie: @d-vine


I used to take figure skating lessons and had dreams of becoming a figure skater. Due to an ankle injury which took a few weeks to heal and stop hurting, I ended up being more cautious than I was before and decided that maybe figure skating wasn't for me, so I stopped.


I used to love to skate, I mean come on I do love inline skating so it is quite natural to me, but I never wanted to be a figure skater. Honestly, I hated even wearing figure skates typical for girls. I thoroughly preferred and enjoyed wearing the regular boy skates (although never fully learned how to stop on them). So, this was a flat-out lie.

Who guessed this option was a lie: NO ONE - I was so shocked not a single person guessed this. I guess I made a pretty good lie.


I once picked up an attractive guy in a Mall. I walked up to him and told him I thought he was pretty hot, smiled, and asked for his number.

truetrue.png - This is completely true. I actually did this. I saw an attractive guy when I was about 16 (he was a bit older) and I walked up to him and told him I thought he was pretty hot, and yes I did smile, and yes I did ask for his number and gave him mine. I was proud of that at the time because for some reason because I had never been that direct before.

Who guessed this option was a lie: @por500bolos @ilhuna @hazem91


I remember waking up after a surgery in a room and heard a woman near me saying that I was bleeding too much. I fell asleep and didn't wake until a while later, where I woke up in my hospital room. I found out later that I finally got admitted to my room nearly 2 hours later than originally scheduled.


Unfortunately, this is true. I remember this vividly and it was scary even during my groggy state. Thankfully it all turned out well, but it did happen.

Who guessed this option was a lie: No One


I am independent and will often do things and not ask for help, nor accept it. I often surprise people when I leave a grocery store or another store and carry 5 grocery bags on each arm or pick up a huge bag of dog food and sling it over my shoulder to carry it to my car or load heavy items into my vehicle by myself.


This is Me. I don't know why, but I just enjoy doing it and it makes me feel strong. I just have this strong independent tendency and I like it.

Who guessed this option was a lie: No One


The courses I were the best at in College were Financial and Corporate Accounting.


Sounds very like boring right? A little bit. There is a reason I am no longer in Finance and decided against going any further to become an Accountant and get that designation. I am pretty good with numbers and matching them where they need to go and such which is why I did so well. It makes sense to me. It was very analytical, but it isn't something I could see myself doing as a career.

Who guessed this option was a lie: @katrina-ariel @brandyb


I have lived in two different countries besides the one I was born in.


This is true. I was born in Canada and now live in the USA (Country 1) and have lived for a while in Denmark (Country 2).

Who guessed this option was a lie: @brandyb @simgirl


I used to go into different buildings and let off these little bags that would pop and make the whole area smell like rotten eggs and then run before they would pop.


I know this surprises a few of you that it is true, but I regret to say it is. Living in an apartment building as a teenager and living in Canada, you can get a tad bit bored when school is out. So, you get together with some of the other kids in your building and become a little devious (harmlessly so). We used to buy these little bags at the nearest convenience store (walking distance) and get off the elevator of one of the floors (never our own unless we were pranking each other). We would all pile into the center area of the floor we got off at (usually a few of us being devious - about 5 or 6) and then activate these little bags. As soon as it started to expand we would take off running to one of the nearby stairwells on either side and run up or down to different floors. Those little things smelt so bad, but it was a ton of fun.

Who guessed this option was a lie: @c0ff33a @mineopoly @tattoodjay

Note: All images above (except for the first) are from Pixabay and free to use.


And the Winner(s) is/are....No One!

Apparently I weaved too good of a lie here because not a single person guessed that my wanting to be a figure skater statement was a lie. I Fooled you all! This was fun. I can't believe I stumped you all. So, go figure no one wins any SBD, but now you know me a little bit better


As Always, Stay Awesome my fellow Steemians. heart-iconsmall.png


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