10 Days of Reflection Photos The old Tower Downtown Milford

10 Days of Reflection Photos The old Tower Downtown Milford


Camera Pentax K-3 18mm F4 1/100 ISO 160

I was nominated by @sunscape to take part in the 10 days of reflections and as I love reflections I thought why not

The rules of the challenge are simple:
10 Days of Reflection Photos (mirrors, water, etc)
Tag your post with #tendaysofreflection
Title your post "10 Days of Reflection"
Nominate a friend if you wish
Have fun and be creative!
And I will nominate anyone who wants to participate. Come on and join! You know you want to.
This post was originated by @ilovedietcoke and her original post on it can be found here 10 Day Reflection Challenge
I love this old Tower in Downtown Milford it has such character, in this first shot it is reflected in the Window of a building across the street which fitted for this challenge


I have many shots of this old tower and I have been very fortunate to have photos of it selected twice for the cover of a Quarterly magazine produced for the city of Milford CT,
the first one for a special anniversary issue to celebrate Milford's 375th Anniversary

And the second one in the latest winter issue which I should have a copy of in the mail in a couple of days.

It's such a cool feeling to see my photo on the cover of this magazine and I have been truly lucky to have been featured there a few times :)
I have decided to do these posts not only with a photo but with a little self reflection ( well hopefully that will be the case for all ten days but will see how that goes)
I have been lucky to have these and other photos featured on the covers
But it is just luck and not that my photos are better than anyone else's, just that I was lucky the publisher happened to come across my photos and wanted to use them, sure i do get a good feeling when I see my photo on the cover but i keep my feet grounded and do not let my head swell.
Photography for me is a hobby not a profession, I have been doing it for quite a few years now but at best see myself as a serious amateur and not something I make a lot of money from,
Well perhaps that was till I came across Steemit, I was always spending more than the little I made from sales of photo prints on camera equipment.
I hope this year that may change and any camera equipment I get which will hopefully include a Full Frame camera (which I have dreamed of owning but could never justify for a hobby) I will be able to fund from a percentage of the earnings from Steemit while still focusing on using most of the earnings to power up and build up my level on Steemit.

So my reflection for today is to be thankful for the good fortunate I have had in life including coming across and becoming part of the wonderful Steemmit community.

I have meet so many wonderful people on here sharing such wonderful original and creative content, all working to not only build their presence on Steemit but to build the community as well.
My time on Steemit has also motivated me again to get out and take more photos so I have posts to share on here, as well as strive to keep improving in my abilities with photography.

So thank you all for welcoming me into this wonderful community, giving me the confidence to write a little more than a brief description with some of my posts and see myself growing a little to become a real blogger and a part of this community and helping it in my own little way to grow.

Now back to the regularly programming and more shots of this tower

Camera Pentax K-3 25mm F8 1/200 ISO 125

Here is the tower from another angle, you can see the waterfall beside it
Camera Pentax K-3 18mm F8 1/320 ISO 160

And another shot of it from another angle where you can see the archway and old door,
I love the detail in this old tower , I have heard mixed stories about this tower, some say it was part of an old Mill here from the early days of Milford, others say this was moved here and erected later on, I have yet been able to confirm which is the real truth.
But either way I think this old tower and stone bridge are an important part of the character and old England feel of Milford.

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera
With the Exception in this post of the cover of the latest issue of the Magazine, I have not received a copy yet so this photo was shared with me by the publisher

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!steemitworldmap 41.222727 lat -73.055601 long Old Tower Downtown Milford CTd3scr

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