10 biggest problems in the world and my critics.

  1. Lack of economic opportunity and unemployment (14.2%)

This is a big problem, people are losing their jobs left and right and are having major trouble finding new employment.
With the advancement of technology the numbers are only going to reach staggering numbers. And I'm not even including the rest of the world in my statements I'm just talking about my community. But I know the rest of the world is in the same pile of crap we're in.
If you have a job good luck keeping it.

However I also don't think we should have to work for a basic income for survival. work for luxuries and vacations in exotic places. But not to live, not for food and water and a roof over your head.

My score for mankind: F-- 0%
Special note - Fail. You didn't even try.

  1. Food and water security (15.1%)

This shouldn't even be on here, it doesn't make any sense that in this technical age that we have people around the globe that are starving and don't have access to clean water.

Staying healthy should be the last problem we ever have to face.

We can grow food indoors without soil. if you don't believe me look at the lettuce growing in a cup that I posted. we can grow in greenhouses via hydroponics, aquaponics and kratky for f sakes. Providing the world with Clean water should not be a f-ing problem. What the hell? Are we savages?

My score for mankind: FF- 0.5%
Special note - F@#$n Failed again.

  1. Lack of political freedom and political instability (15.5%)

I can't stand this one. Why? why?
We shouldn't have to be afraid to express any of our views. Even animals get along better than humans do most of the time.

I don't agree with politics I believe we can govern the planet better if we had a system for the people by the people. A decentralized transparent blockchain governed international system for the world of the future. Earth 2.0

A system upholds all the laws of the Earth and it's people. Without anyone controlling it and manipulating up. A system that requires every man and woman around the world to vote to change the laws of the new constitution.

We no longer need systems we appoint a man or a woman to lead us. We should all lead each other to a better life of peace, love, good health, wealth and prosperity.

Instead of continuing to elect these Trumps who fail us.

My score for mankind: D- 65%
Special note - You could do better.

  1. Lack of education (16.5%)

With the age of the Internet and the Blockchain the education system needs to be repealed and replaced.

We have the technology now to teach every human being on the planet the truth about everything we have learned since the big bang.

Instead half the planet can't afford proper education.

If it was up to me, everyone would have free tuition to learn whatever they wanted to learn.
But it isn't up to me, if we want this to come to pass we must make it a reality together.

We have to if we are ever going to make it. We need every man, woman and child to be educated for this technical world we live in and so that we can advance as a species.

Vote Earth 2.0 for Free education via Technology.

My score for mankind: F- 40%

  • Provide Free Schooling
  1. Safety, security, and well being (18.1%)

The safety of my family is always my number one concern. Everyone has a little fear inside, it's normal, hundreds of years ago our ancesters had many things to fear so it's gonna be with us for a while. In the world we live in today we still have reasons to be concerned about security and well being because we live in a world where we still have a lot of problems.

Terror, wars, job loss, natural calamities, financial collapse and many many more issues that can affect our safety and security.

I say it's all bull. And it's caused by the manipulation of life by the ones in control or all the power.

We need to take back our power and not give it to our leaders for them to corrupt and misplace.
We need to all stand up together and say no more. Because if we don't we are going to die and leave the next generation in our bull.

My score for mankind: F- 10%
Special note - Failed to deliver the goods.

  1. Government accountability and transparency, and corruption (21.7%)

Why do we even give them the power to abuse it in the first place?

Vote Earth 2.0 A world without governments and rulers and presidents and emperors.

Who died and gave you all of earths resources and told you, only you should own it all?

No, I think it's our faults that we are dealing with all of this crap. We now have the power to change the world over night. And make it a better place for all of Life.

Without anyone ruling anyone else.
Vote out the old and vote in the new.

Earth 2.0, no governments, just free people living in a world without borders and limitations.
A World where everyone has what they need so they don't have to steal anything or fight for anything.

My score for mankind: F-- 25%
Special note: Don't Trump the people.

  1. Poverty (31.1%)

We are poor because a group of people decided to take all of the worlds wealth and resources putting a price tag on everything, then created debt and handed it out to another group of people who managed the resources they hoarded. Then they forced everyone else to slave from 9 to 5 for debt to pay for the resources that naturally belonged to all of us.

Now that is a scam, but whatever we let them do it.
If they provided basic income things wouldn't be so bad.

Whoever said we are poor because of our mentality is an idiot. We are in poverty because of the system that we let control us everyday.

On Earth 2.0 we all get wealth just for being Alive. Life has most value of all creation. So nothing in the universe is more valued than you and your time.
You shouldn't have to spend it for clean water or food. We have the technology to feed the planet for free because all of the resources were giving to us by the planet for free.

My score for mankind: F-- 0%
Special note - Feed the people it's the least you can do.

  1. Religious conflicts (33.8%)

I have zero to say about religion, sorry.
We can believe in what ever fairy tale we want as long as we don't harm anyone else for what the follow.

For aĺl the wars over religion I am ashamed of you who are fighting.

I, myself am a spiritual athiest. I don't follow religions because I could never believe in a creator that would do the things we say in the bible and other religious scriptures.
For me they were just stories to tell and imagination and creativity. But who knows.

I just stay neutral to it all.

Just stop fighting. Avoid conflicts and talk or avoid eachother if you can't talk about it peacefully.

If an asteroid hit the earth we are all screwed. So just live and let live.

My Score for mankind: D- 66.6%
Special note - Dog, that's my dog.

  1. Large scale conflict and wars (38.5%)

Isis, Isil, whatever you wanna call them. They are being financed by the ones fighting against them to cause terror and war so that the manufactures of weapons can become richer and repeat the same cycle until they kill us all.

That's how I see it.
To end the wars we need to first take our power back so that the leaders of our nations stop financing the armies and the militaries.

Vote Earth 2.0 to end all wars.

On Earth 2.0 we use deplomacy to end conflicts not the use of weapons.
We will not have a budget for war in our new civilization. War is uncivilized. We only set budgets for positive growth of the entire planet.

  1. Climate change and destruction of natural resources (45.2%)

Honestly we do use way too much fossil fuels and we are releasing way to much pollution in the air. But honestly we need to learn more about the suns cycles and how they affect to weather before we start causing issues over global warming.

We had a ice age a few dozen thousands years ago and we are going to have another in the future. We are in the warming cycle of the earth. Even if we stopped using fossil fuels over night we would still be going through this warming period.
It's a natural part of the earth's relationship with it's star, the Sun

So don't worry about it. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't stop using fossil fuels and switch to electricicy created via solar energy, wind and wave energy geothermal, fusion and nuclear energy.

My score for mankind: C- 70%
Special note - Enjoy the heat it's better than living in an ice age and go hybrid or electric if you can.

I apologize for any unintended spelling mistakes if any. Thank you fpr reading.

When the time comes vote Earth 2.0

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