I know something about you. ...Oh, yeah!

01 cover.jpg

I know 10 facts about you my dear Follower!

Fact 1: You are reading this post.

02 reading.png

Fact 2: You can NOT produce the „M“ sound without touching your lips.

03 m.jpg

Fact 3: You just TRIED to produce the „M” sound.

04 Blush.png

Fact 4: You are smiling now.

05 Smile.jpg

Fact 6: You are smiling or laughing again.

06 Laugh.jpg

Fact 7: You did not notice I missed fact number 5.

07 really.jpg

Fact 8: You just checked it.

08 checked.jpg

Fact 9: You are smiling again.

09 smileagain.png

Fact 10: You agree with all of these facts and are going to upvote or comment.

10 good.gif

The comment section is open Steemians!


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