WOS Wrestling: The Season Finale

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An epic finale to the series that brought British wrestling back to our TV screens, something which hasn’t been seen regularly in thirty years.

We kick off the show with a highlight reel of the major storylines of the series, including the rivalries between Adam Maxted & Nathan Cruz and Joe Hendry & Martin Kirby. Before moving to Stu Bennett standing in the ring playing up the main event before introducing the first match, a tag title defence against a team Bennett says ‘Apparently the entire nation has fallen in love with’.


Bennett steps out of the ring and announcer Phil Seymour steps in. Seymour then introduces the challengers…Grado & British Bulldog Jr. Commentator Alex Shane is astounded Bennett sanctioned this match due to his continued dismissal of Grado as a wrestler, a storyline which has run throughout the series, with Grado continually having to prove himself.

The champions then walk down to the ring, Iestyn Reese hands over his belt, but Kip Sabian lifts up his jacket and insists the referee take the belt off for him…then we go to an ad break, proving this week’s show is going to a have very different structure than usual.

After the usual back and forth Grado, not Bulldog, gets his team the win pinning Reese. Then at the commentator’s desk Bennett says that Grado has finally proved himself, he then stands up and slow claps the new champs.


…and then on to the main event and series finale.

After a story so far package Justin Sysum makes his way down to the ring followed by champion Ramage, flanked as ever by cronies Sha Samuels & CJ Banks. As the trio stand in the ring the crowd chants ‘Who are ya? Who are ya?’.
After a few minutes going at it Ramage gets thrown to the outside, but when Sysum goes out after him Banks & Samuels start squaring off against him, preventing Sysum from getting at the champ. It’s at this point the referee jumps in between them and orders Banks & Samuels to leave ringside. The crowd then start chanting ‘nan na na na, nan na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye’.

While Sysum is waving Banks & Samuels off Ramage takes him out and then dominates for several minutes, until Ramage takes a dropkick to the face and Sysum turns the tide. The tide turns yet again and Ramage suplexes Sysum from the top with such force they actually break the ring. Which is heavily sold by commentator Alex Shane.


A moment or two later Ramage is out on the canvas and Sysum heads to the top rope to pull of his signature 450 Splash, but just as he’s ready to fly Banks runs back down to ringside, and sysum is forced to move his attention. He takes out Banks and just as he’s about to pin Ramage Banks pulls the ref out of the ring. While Banks argues with the ref Sysum jumps through the ropes and takes out Banks once again.

When everyone is back in the ring Sysum throws Ramage into the corner, and he stops himself right before he crashes into the ref, Ramage quickly ducks out of the way but Sysum’s momentum means he isn’t as fortunate and the ref is knocked out.

Sysum attempts to pin Ramage put there’s no one to make the count, then Samuels runs back down to the ring and starts wailing on Sysum. Samuels then takes the pad of one of the top turnbuckles, selling how hard it is without the padding. But Sysum takes him out before anything can come of it.


Eventually another ref gets down to the ring, Ramage’s face bounces off the exposed turnbuckle, and Sysum lays him out followed with the 450 Splash and pins for the win.

Stu Bennett then makes his way into the ring to present the belt to Sysum and Ramage gets between them, shouting at Bennett and pushing him back…but he pushes once to often and to the crowd’s delight Bennett lays Ramage out.

Have you been watching WOS Wrestling? What have been the highlights of the first series for you? Let me know in the comments below

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