WOS Wrestling: Episode Seven

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Episode Seven sees high stakes and comedy shenanigans grace the WOS arena.

Immediately following last week’s conclusion to the tag team tournament Nathan Cruz turned on his partner Adam Maxted, claiming the rookie had cost him the championship gold. This week sees the pair face off in a ladder match, a briefcase suspended above the ring holds a contract for continued inclusion in WOS, with the match loser forced to leave the company.

For some reason we needed to here this match stipulation multiple times in a row. Each episode starts with a rundown of matches on the show, including the ladder match. Ring announcer Phil Seymour then tells us the match stipulation again, which can be excused because it’s also for the benefit of the crowd. But as soon as Seymour has finished Stu Bennett stands up from the commentary desk, mic in hand, and tells us the stipulation yet again, almost word for word.

We do however get some of the best fan reactions of the series so far, Cruz has quickly become the biggest heel on the roster and booed accordingly, while Maxted has instantly become a babyface (good guy). Considering Cruz only turned on his partner in the previous episode it’s a quick turnaround.


Ladder matches seem a little pointless on a teatime show like WOS, because it’s obviously deemed too violent for the timeslot, you don’t see any of the inevitable collisions with the ladder, instead we get cutaways of the crowd reactions.

The loser is then seen interviewed my Racheal Stringer, who we don’t often see during the programme, but regularly seen in exclusive videos on social media. Pre/post-match interviews with wrestlers that obviously didn’t make the initial edit.

We then see another backstage segment from Bennett’s office where Justyn Sysum is demanding the opportunity to face Rampage he was promised last week. But it’s not the crack at the championship Sysum was expecting, instead it’s a tag match, Rampage & Sha Samuels vs Sysum & Joe Hendry.


The Crater saga continues, first Gabriel Kidd got squashed and carried out on a stretcher in episode three, in episode five the pair were joined by Liam Slater in a three-way, neither man could topple the beast and ended up with him squashing them both. Now in episode seven Kidd, Slater and Robbie X take on the monster in a Fatal Four-way match.

The three men initially work together against Crater, managing to get him out of the ring. The trio go at it in the ring for a few moments until Crater lumbers back into the ring, at which point the three men attack him again, once he’s down Kidd…followed by Slater…followed by Robbie X go for the pin.

Crater is defeated, but there’s no clear winner. Crater however takes his frustration out on Robbie X, who despite this only being his third appearance had the crowd chanting his name, Crater attempting to rip off his mask.


A comedy match between fan favourite Grado and Martin Kirby the premise is to find out what Grado keeps in the bumbag (fannypack for the Americans out there) he always wears to the ring. Turns out it’s a toothbrush, which Kirby first threatens to put down the front of his trunks but decides to wipe it in his armpit…and then tries to brush Grado’s teeth.

The final match of the day is the foreshadowed tag match featuring Sysum, Hendry, Samuels and Ramage, with CJ Banks interfering at ringside as per usual.

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