Beware of telegram signals channels with stealing admins!!

Hi there,

I wanted to share my experience here, and report the fraud I suffered from the owners of a telegram signals channel I joined a while ago, so at least everyone who read this, is aware and can avoid suffering the same thing I did.

These guys were offering the chance to join a scalping program (which uses some bot) in which they would return a 30% profit every day for a week, and with a 20% of the benefits going to the admins. They also sent pictures of their bittrex account balance, growing a few whole bitcoins from day to day, showing how good this scalping program was.
The way it worked, to join the program anyone could send these guys between 0.1 and 1 BTC (I was "lucky" that I joined with the minimum, sigh...) so they would trade with your coins.

The way it worked was: I had to remind them to send me the corresponding benefits (30%) of every day, 24h after I send the initial payment.

That's what I did after the first 24h, then the admin asked for my wallet address, but after I sent it to them, I didn't get any quick answer (it was my bed time also).
My surprise was on the next morning, when I found out that I had been banned from the channel and the owner had blocked me in Telegram as well, so I had no way to communicate with them.

Then I tried contacting him/them via one of these friends who also were in the channel, and also with a second phone I have, and... surprise! they answered!! (I would have bet that my friend and I using this second phone were going to be immediately blocked/banned)
The guy who answered said this had to be a mistake made by another channel admin, and that it was the first time something like this happened, blah blah blah.
After promising me that I would get my benefits (of course) and everything would be okay, we reached the 48 hours time after the initial payment, so I asked for the corresponding benefits again.
They kept asking for more time again to find out what happened and to do the payment, until I found out then (2.5 days later) that my second phone account had been also blocked by their admin account (not so my friend's account), so I was sure I should have said goodbye to my money.

I know what you may think: how could you trust someone you don't know at all?
Well, I had a lot of doubts initially, but at the end I decided I would give them a chance for a number of reasons:
A couple of friends were also following the channel (even one of them joined the premium channel, having a few conversations with the admins and he always had a good feeling when talking to him/them), they never sent any spam with those terrible cross promotions from other channels, and practically all of their signals were valid and accurate so far.
So, these things kind of made me feel confident enough to break the trust barrier and send the group admins this money to join the program (of course not enough to send them more than the minimum).

Now I'm thinking that if their screenshots with the bittrex balance were real, these guys started with around 6 bitcoins and finished with around 54... which could very well be just the money some naive subscribers like myself sent to them for this bullshit, taking into account the channel had more than 1K subscribers!


Unfortunately, with these channels there is practically nothing we can do as subscribers, aside of report the channel to Telegram from the inside, neither to get these guys information, so I basically wanted to get rid of my frustration, and also recommend you guys NOT to send money to anyone you don't directly know, even if they look trustworthy.
That's the lesson I learned.

So, if you have reached this point reading, here you have the details of the telegram channel and the admins telegram account, just in case you cross your paths eventually to be aware, of just in case you want to help me spread the word, or even join the channel and report it from the inside:

  • Telegram channel: freesignalsforall (get rich or die tryin)
  • Telegram admins account: @Cryptolegende (Crypto Master)

Thanks for reading, and again, share it if possible, so this can reach to the more people as possible and avoid these guys keep stealing from newbies like myself.

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