Teen Grown Up (A new beginning)

The school year has not even started out here, and yet I find myself doing a lot of thinking. No one in my family ever thought I would become a parent, mostly because I grew up to be a loner. That changed 17 years ago, when I brought home my beautiful baby. He has been my soul reason to push on all these years. His life was rough in the first 6 weeks, and almost didn't make it. He was born by emergency c-section.


Now here I am 17 years later, and worried about losing him as he ventures out into the real world. This will be the longest school year for both of us, knowing that he will then be going off to college.


I am very proud of being given the chance to be his mom, and that God decided it was not time for my son to go.
I know that I am not the only parent who has felt this. How did you overcome the emotions, without it effecting your child? I am proud of the route he is choosing, and don't want him feel like he can't continue his journey, because of my sadness.
This will definitely be tough at first.

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