Life-Changing TED Talks

This is the first in a series of my top 5 TED talks.

I <3 these talks, they are engaging and allow the viewer to make up their own mind, choosing to "swallow" just as they would choose mouthfuls on a plate...

I love emotional intelligence, and seek to improve my own, and teach my children as well. I have a gut feel that due to the lack of social interaction and surplus technological opportunities, if I teach them these skills they will have an edge in every other field they wish to succeed in.

Here's why:

Louise Evans divides our behaviors into 5 chairs based on animals in nature that may help us slow down our behaviors and analyse what's going on...

Red chair she calls the jackal attack, on this chair we display our worst behavior....
Blame, complain, punish, gossip and JUDGE
We say "I'm right!" = no time to love

The yellow, hedge hog, self-doubt chair... at times we all curl up back to an evil world and we mercilessly judge ourselves, we have fears (rejection, disappointing, failing) and when we are full of self-doubt, we say "I can't do this..."
Louise asks, "Should we give up and give in?" Or say "No!... I want to find resources!

Green meerkat chair, in nature the meerkat can stand completely still moving it's eyeballs only for 60 minutes! On this chair, we wait.
We are mindful, very aware, we stop, we pause, we W.A.I.T

W- hat

W- hat
T-elling myself

On this chair we are curious and interested.

The Blue chair represents the dolphin. Well-known in nature for being playful, intelligent and having beautiful communication. On this chair we are detecting of ourselves... we have boundaries, we are free, we grow, we don't give away our power.

The final chair is the purple, giraffe chair. In the wild it has the biggest heart of all land-mammals, and the longest neck... which means it enjoys impressive perspective.

When we sit on this chair - we are focused on displaying empathy, compassion and understanding
"What is important for him/her" - we ask ourselves.
"What does the person I'm talking to need?"

On this chair we are rational, intelligent, open, thoughtful.

I love that. Of course we will all be on various chairs in a day, but I think for a happy, peaceful life, spending the most time on the purle chair is the answer. At least for me.

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