Who invests more? Investments in renewable energy are increasing!

The United Nations (UN) conducted a study, its purpose was to find out: which countries are the leaders in investment in renewable energy.

China is the world leader in the amount of investment in renewable energy. From 2010 to 2019 investments in the renewable energy sphere in China were about 758 billion US dollars.

The United States are on the second place. The state has invested 356 billion dollars in renewable energy over the past 10 years, the top three also includes Japan with 202 billion dollars of investments. Investments in the EU reached 698 billion dollars. Among the EU countries, Germany is the leader with investments of 179 billion dollars, the next is the United Kingdom invested 122 billion dollars.

The UN also estimated the capacity of renewable energy (excluding large hydroelectric power plants), which has grown from 414 GW to 1650 GW within 10 years.

It is interesting, that the share of investments into solar energy accounted for about $ 1.3 trillion, or about half of all investments aimed at the development of renewable energy in the world since 2010.
According to the UN, investments in renewable energy are investments in a sustainable and profitable future of the world’s population.


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