Drones will assist the development of renewable energy in Europe

European companies are actively exploring the possibilities of drones for maintenance and repair of renewable energy facilities. It is assumed that the active use of drones will help to reduce the cost of renewable energy and increase capacity.

The research is being conducted by the DURABLE project, that literally means: “Drones and maintenance robots to promote renewable energy on the Atlantic coast.” Scientists and engineers, first of all, are interested in the applicability of drones and robots for monitoring the condition of generating infrastructure facilities, as well as for their operational repair.

Given that the participants of the project are Spain, Portugal, France, great Britain and Ireland, it is about helioparks and wind turbines. The project, which is financed in the amount of 3.9 million euros, nevertheless has ambitious goals: to transfer advanced aerospace robotics technologies to renewable energy sources, in order to shift the tasks of round-the-clock inspection of infrastructure facilities and repair works to drones.

If, as a result of the project, researchers will obtain positive results, it will, on the one hand, improve the situation with labor protection at “green” power plants, on the other it will reduce the cost of energy produced and will give a new start to the development of nature-friendly technologies.


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