Amazon and Facebook unite for a Big technology project

The three Japanese Internet and communications companies Softbank are planning a huge project to link the two North American continents of Asia with a high-resolution Internet cable and huge potentials. Two of the world's top digital companies seem to be interested in the project, Facebook and Amazon.

The new submarine cable will connect Asia and North America at a distance of 14,000 km. Japan's SoftBank has chosen an alliance with Facebook, the leading social networking site, and Amazon, the leading e-commerce company to enter into an alliance for the success of this project, which includes partners Others.

According to available information, the project will be called "Jupiter" and will use the technology "Reconfigurable optical add drop multiplexer" known as "ROADM" and will enable the transfer of data at 60 terabytes per second and will be ready by the year 2020.

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