Which iPhone?

So I am about to get a new iPhone.... So here is my rant....

Yes I get it -- go with Android and all that -- Well I used to have an Android phone. So I am one of those that have tried both and am simply going to stay with the iPhone. So really there is no need to go into other phones, operating systems, features, etc. With that said;

iPhone 7 or iPhone 8? That is the question. I am not really interested in an iPhone X at this time. Both the iPhone 7 and 8 are fairly similar other than the wireless charging -- which adds a glass back. So I guess my rant gets me to what I am really looking for; What is the protection one gets when adding a case to the iPhone 8? I worry that the glass back would be fairly easy to break even with a case on it. Does anyone have any real world experience with this? I have done some searching but it seems that most reviews out there are simply advertisements for specific things or bloggers trying to get free products or something. Does anyone out there have any real world experience (Clumsy opinions preferred) with the protection a case adds on the iPhone 8? And which case would be preferable?

Thanks in advance for any input!!

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