How to beat the Artificial Intelligence Algorithm


It seems that Philip K Dick’s artificial intelligence is still light years ahead, but the big giants are taking significant strides towards it. Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Amazon are using it in their algorithms to provide us with the best content or products.

Now, the algorithms they use are getting very complicated. They use more than a hundred thousand ranking derivatives.

If you are thinking of getting into blogging or be an SEO expert, how will you keep the pace with these algorithms?

If you are dedicating your precious time on creating backlinks, blog commenting, developing PBNs, outreaching experts, you need to rethink your strategies because of late there are urls with no backlinks getting ranked on the first page of competitive keywords. Is it a fallacy, a snag in the algorithm or somebody using black hat techniques to rank?

So what is happening? If you want to develop content, how will you reach the people who are searching for your content? Should you chase the old SEO strategies to rank? What happens if a new hummingbird or a crouching tiger comes and destroys your ranking where you invested a lot of time and money?

Should you chase the algorithm which has layers of many unknown challenges. Are you that good a programmer that you will decipher what thousands of the giant’s developer are creating every day.

You will never be able to match that. So how does one do it?

The answer is flow with the tide. Place yourself in the shoes of the owners of Larry Page or Zuckerberg. Think what you will do if you were in their place. You want more users right? Yes, they are no different than you. But there is one single difference. They have created a platform, and you are sitting on it. If you don’t use it as they want it, the platform will shake, and you will fall.

So how should you use it?

Everyone talks about providing value. Yes, but how is your value different from others. It may not be. Artificial intelligence in no time will find it out. It may take few days or few months. But it will find it.

The best way is to understand it is to ask why the AI is created in the first place?

Artificial intelligence is created to make a nonliving thing behave as natural as a human can. Yes, it is a paradox, but the challenge of every artificial intelligence is to attain the knowledge that is given to us naturally. That is why robots are being made to behave like humans or living beings.

They are chasing us and so the only thing they are trying the best to become like us. The very opposite of being artificial is natural.

So what the AI algorithm is trying to find in the billions of content is the ones that are natural and behaves like an average human’s creation.

If you are providing content what everyone is doing, the AI algorithm may think, you may be a bot and not a human. If you are trying to do backlinks and lots of blogs commenting, the AI algorithm will find it weird that why is this person who has provided an excellent content commenting on other similar platforms unnaturally.

These SEO techniques are still relevant, but the truth is if you do you're commenting like a natural user does to a post and has no intention to earn a backlink, you will be rewarded.

Build the trust:

The AI algorithm is developing to see through you in no time. They are trying to understand your intentions, your authority, your talents, your weaknesses your affinities and your hatred.

So, basically, the truth is, the more transparent you are in your content, the more the AI likes you. To do that, interact with the users and find what they want and then serve them the content to the best you can. If the user likes you, the algorithm will know. You don’t have to be tied to the clutches of the bounce rate and the viewing time.

There are many people still figuring out the ranking factors and trying to outrank by using black hat strategies. Beating the algorithm in a shorter run is possible. But the artificial intelligence will catch up and skin you in no time. Are you willing to put so much at stake?

Be as natural as you can, and that is why live streaming of content is gaining more precedence over well drafted and polished offline content. Give your audience a great experience so that you remain in their minds when they are offline. If you achieve that, AI will honor you.

The more natural and organic your game is, the more rewarding your result will be. It will take a long time, patience and effort; but when the giants recognize and appreciate you, you will stay at the top for a long time.

I am telling this with my experience. I don’t have a Facebook account now because I didn’t follow things naturally and organically. I don’t want any aspirant to be a victim of it. The more natural you are, the more the AI algorithm will love you.

So, share what you love to the world and lots of love will come back to you.


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