Say GoodBye to Google Drive - Meet Backup and Sync

If you are like me you have probably already integrated Google Drive into your workflow and possibly even use it to conduct business on a daily basis. Although Google Drive has been a dear friend over the past few years according to a recent article published by CNET entitled '4 things you should know about Google Drive's future' Google Drive's days are now numbered.

Although Google does plan to make a change early next year, the Drive service itself isn't going anywhere. Rather, it's the Google Drive app that's being terminated, and that's only because it's being replaced. Here's what you need to know about the future of Drive.

After reading this initial statement I was shocked but its not as bad as it seems. Google has a replacement and its already available. It's called Backup and Sync.

Just to be totally clear, only the Google Drive apps for Windows and Mac are approaching end-of-life. Which is totally fine, because Google released Backup and Sync back in July.

According to the article its only the apps for Windows and Mac that they are doing away with so if you normally use the application on your phone you have nothing to worry about!

Here is the last thing you need to know about this changeover:

Support for Google Drive for Windows/Mac will end on Dec. 11, 2017. And the apps will flat-out stop working (on both platforms) on March 12, 2018. So you've still got plenty of time to make your way to Backup and Sync -- assuming you need to, you know, backup and/or sync.

So, it seems like there's only one thing there is left to do. Download Backup and Sync to keep this file hosting party going!

TechBlogger Wrap Up

Google Drive has served me well over the years. It's been a place for me to keep important files and documents and its been a lifesaver on long journeys and trips away from home. I always knew I could just pop into an internet cafe and access all of my personal documents. Do you think Backup and Sync will work the same way? Is it really just the same app with a new name?

Please leave your thoughts, comments and feedback below.

Thanks for reading!


4 things you should know about Google Drive's future - CNET

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