You might have heard data security a lot, Have you ever wondered what is it?


Data security means protecting digital data, for instance those in database, from destructive forces and from the unwanted actions of unauthorized users , such as cyberattack or data breach.

-What is cyberttack??

Cyberattack is also known as computer network attack.
It is a strike against a computer system, network, or internet-enabled application or device.
It uses malicious code to alter computer code, logic or data.

Hackers use a variety of tools to launch attacks, including malware, ransomware, exploit kits, and other methods.

-I have no idea what are malware, ransomware, and expoit kits.

Ok, don't be sad!! I got you :)

Maleware is simply any piece of software that was written with the intend of doing harm to data, devices or to people.

and ransomware is type of malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.

  • And, how about expoit kits?

An exploit kit is a software kit designed to run on web servers, with the purpose of identifying software vulnerabilities in client machines communicating with it, and discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities to upload and execute malicious code on the client.

  • Thank you! I am learning alot.

Let me introduce you some more types of malewares, then you can learn a lot more.

-Let's get started!


Spyware is a type of malware that functions by spying on user activity without their knowledge.
These spying capabilities can include activity monitoring, collecting keystrokes, data harvesting (account information, logins, financial data), and more.
Spyware often has additional capabilities as well, ranging from modifying security settings of software or browsers to interfering with network connections.

Trojan Horse

A Trojan horse, commonly known as a “Trojan,” is a type of malware that disguises itself as a normal file or program to trick users into downloading and installing malware. A Trojan can give a malicious party remote access to an infected computer.


A virus is a form of malware that is capable of copying itself and spreading to other computers. Viruses often spread to other computers by attaching themselves to various programs and executing code when a user launches one of those infected programs. Viruses can also spread through script files, documents, and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in web apps.


Computer worms are among the most common types of malware.
They spread over computer networks by exploiting operating system vulnerabilities.
Worms typically cause harm to their host networks by consuming bandwidth and overloading web servers.
Computer worms can also contain payloads that damage host computers.

Payloads are pieces of code written to perform actions on affected computers beyond simply spreading the worm. Payloads are commonly designed to steal data, and delete files.

-Do you know how can I prevent or remove Maleware?

Well, fist of all avoiding suspicious emails, links, or websites are good online habits to have.

As you already know, each form of maleware has its own way of infecting and damaging both computers and data, and so each one requires a different maleware removal method.

However, installing anti-maleware software are highly recommended.

-I will definitely do that!

  • By the way, don't you want to explain a little about data breach?

Of course I will explain it, thanks for reminding me.:)

A data breach is an incident wherein information is stolen or taken from a system without the knowledge or authorization of the system's owner.
A small company or a large organization may suffer a data breach.

  • I got it, Do you know the differences between passive and active attack?


attack is any attempt to expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized use of an asset.

An active attack is a network exploit in which a hacker attempts to make changes to data on the target or data en route to the target.

Active attacks contrast with passive attacks, in which an unauthorized party monitors networks and sometimes scans for open ports and vulnerabilities.
The purpose is to gain information about the target and no data is changed.
However, passive attacks are often preparatory activities for active attacks.

  • I am so worried. I want to protect my PC from hackers.

It is a good decision, lets check some simple steps to protect our privacy.

Install firewall

A firewall enacts the role of a security guard. There are of two types of firewalls: a software firewall and hardware firewall. Each serves similar, but different purposes. A firewall is the first step to provide security to the computer. It creates a barrier between the computer and any unauthorized program trying to come in through the Internet. If you are using a system at home, turn on the firewall permanently. It makes you aware if there are any unauthorized efforts to use your system.

Install anti-virus software

Install anti-maleware software

Use complex and secure passwords

Routinely change passwords and make them strong

Check out the security settings of the browser

Browsers have various security and privacy settings that you should review and set to the level you desire. Recent browsers give you ability to tell web sites to not track your movements, increasing your privacy and security.

Encrypt data

-I will try to follow them all.

good for you. Take care, Bye Bye.

-It was nice seeing you, Bye Bye.

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