Chatbots The First Wave Of AI People Will Interact With.....

The financial industry is about 16 years into its journey of automation. This sector started long before most anyone else in its quest to automate as many tasks as possible. This makes sense since the financial arena is ideal for automation. Numbers and statistics are the easiest set of data for a computer to understand and the design of algorithms based upon numbers is a lot easier than trying to enter other industries.

Now the banking sector is at the point where chatbots are starting to take over. This is the first form of AI that most people will come in contact with. Of course, this is based upon the idea that people will have any idea they are interacting with a bot and not a real person. Fairly soon, one might not be able to tell the difference.

Chatbots are relatively inexpensive to develop and maintain especially since they can be built on top of existing messaging platforms. This offers a way to cut payroll costs while still having contact with the customers.

The entire financial industry is going through massive changes since it is nothing but information. When looking at the world of AI, information is its' oxygen. Big finance offers the opportunity to feed AI systems while seriously reducing labor. One only needs to look at the process of buying stock versus 25 years ago. Back then, you called a broker who placed the order and charged a rather large commission. Now, most people go onto a discount broker's site and place orders for a few dollars per trade.

For more on this, check out this article.

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