So what is technology in today’s world?

Image Source : duetto

Technology is basically something that helps to improvise and enhance user’s daily life, mostly in term of convenience. The word technology is actually separated into two words from Greek words which are “technne” and “logos”. The word “technne is defined as the ability and innovation to create something new, while the word “logos” is defined as the intelligence and knowledge about the same thing as well.

From this, we now know the meaning of technology and the main focus is to help to make people’s life easier. Technology has helped a lot of people in solving difficulties that are faced in everyday lives. For instance, during ancient history there are no digital or calculators at all. They have to count items and make transactions base on a piece of paper. Today, we can easily count difficult math problems with the help of calculators with the help of technology.

Everything that you use which has to do in electronics mostly involves technology. Just like your smart phone, your in-car entertainment, your radio, your computer. All these are relatable to technology. However, with the latest generation being so familiar with technology, there are drawbacks as well. They become too dependent on technology and couldn’t do things on their own. In other word, “spoon-fed”. For example, a driver that only knows how to drive an auto car but unable to drive a manual car. Even though it is great to use technology by deprecating the old, sometimes being able to carry out activities or task without the help of technology can be useful especially in emergency like power failure which most of the technology requires – Electricity.

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