The 5G network will allow you to download a movie in 10 seconds

The 5G networks will operate at a standard speed of 20 Gigabits per second as agreed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which has marked in red in 2020 as the date on which this high-speed network should be implemented to the public.

Although they are still more a dream than a reality, the 5G networks were already protagonists in the last Mobile World Congress of Barcelona. They are still not definitive specifications, but the ITU has set the standard bandwidth for 5G networks at 20 Gigabits, which is a huge step forward in relation to 4G, which is not yet fully established in countries like Spain.

The 5G networks will multiply by 20 the current capacity of 4G / LTE networks that reach a bandwidth of up to 1 Gbps, which in practice means that a 4K (Ultra HD) movie can be downloaded to the mobile phone In about 10 seconds.

The 5G will be a huge advance for the development of the "Internet of Things" since it will be possible to connect up to 1 million devices wirelessly per square kilometer.

Another issue that has begun to clear the ITU is the date of implementation of the 5G network, technically baptized as IMT-2020. That year seems like the one chosen for the 5G network to reach the general public in countries like Japan, which in 2020 will organize the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Before that developers still have to do endless testing. KT Corp, one of the telecommunications giants in South Korea, has already promised to offer services in 5G networks in 2018 during the winter Olympics to be held at PyeonChang, which may also occur in certain areas of Russia with Reason for the 2018 World Cup.

Although it does not seem likely that the standard speed will be lowered, the ITU specifications are not yet definitive. They are expected to be in October, when it will be possible to confirm the speed of 5G networks, designed to radically transform the way we use the Internet.

Image taken from GOOGLE.

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