The Hidden Menace: The Internet of Things

The modern IoT Internet of Tnings are billions of devices that not only open tremendous opportunities for mankind, but also serve as a source of new, little-studied threats.


According to the definition of analysts at International Data Corporation, the Internet of things is a network consisting of networks with uniquely identifiable points that communicate with each other in both directions over IP protocols without human intervention.

The consulting division of Cisco - one of the companies that created the modern Internet - believes that the Internet of things appeared in 2008-2009, when the number of connected devices exceeded the number of people living on Earth.


All these figures are needed to more accurately grasp the scope of the opportunities and problems that the IoT generates. Let's start with opportunities, more precisely with money.

Safety first
But this is not all - purely monetary benefits of the Internet of things is not limited.

IoT simply fits perfectly with the main fetish of the 21st century - security.

In addition, the Internet of things has turned into a powerful tool of law enforcement agencies and special services that are guarding this very security.


First and foremost, this of course, CCTV (CCTV cameras) and biometrics. Modern means of communication and information storage allow you to record a video image to transfer it to cloud storage and data centers and to keep there for quite a long time.

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