Login With google? Login With Facebook? OAuth? Safe?

Hi, Guy's How are you All? I hope you all are fine and happy with your life. Today I'm talking about OAuth.
We explained OAuth in different ways.

     1.What is OAuth?
  2.How Its work?
3.Is it safe?


What is OAuth?
OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard for token-based authentication and authorization on the Internet.
OAuth, which is articulated "goodness auth," permits an end client's record data to be utilized by outsider administrations, for example, Facebook, without uncovering the client's secret key. OAuth goes about as a delegate for the benefit of the end client, furnishing the administration with an entrance token that approves particular record data to be shared. The procedure for getting the token is known as a stream.
some time you saw this type of page where website asked for you logging with facebook, twitter, and Google.

2.how its work?

OAuth is an approval structure that empowers applications to acquire restricted access to client accounts on an HTTP benefit, for example, Facebook, GitHub, and DigitalOcean. It works by assigning client validation to the administration that has the client account and approving outsider applications to get to the client account. OAuth 2 gives approval streams to web and work area applications and cell phones.

This educational guide is equipped towards application designers and gives an outline of OAuth parts, approval give composes, utilize cases, and streams.

Now we will describe the authorization code flow:


Is this safe?
Yes, it's 100% safe. But when you log in to any website through OAuth login condition. If you agree with conditions you can continue login.3.JPG

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