The Future With Robots May Have Just Begun

Boston Dynamics recently launched a commercial for their four-legged robot named Spot on YouTube. If you feel like you have heard that name before, it is the same company behind those videos where robots are shown backflipping and doing other impressive stuff.

The company has been one of the most popular ones in the robotics field and is definitely speculated to be one of the leading companies that will deliver humanity the promise of the future with robots.

If you have watched any science fiction movie at all, you will know that robots are predicted to be a big part of it. I personally feel that just like just about everyone has a smartphone or two, in the future, just about everyone will have a personal robot.

The idea of a personal robot may sound bizarre right now, but so did the idea of a personal computer and we all know how that played out. Boston Dynamics, gearing up to sell one of its many robots hints that the future might just have begun.

Spot The Robot

The commercial for Spot comes after many years of speculation about when the company will finally begin selling its slew of robots to the general public. Many had speculated that the robots may never see the light of the day (which is a level of scepticism I despise). Never say never, right?

Well, it seems like the company is finally gearing up with mass production of the Spot robot and they are opening up access to select early adopters. The company claims that it is the quietest robot that it has ever made and what it is capable of can only be appreciated from that commercial above.

In the future, we can expect to see more and more robots that look just like us and are able to act and function similar to us. Of course, making a robot that is exactly like us is going to be a very difficult task and it would take a mad scientist to achieve that I think and it might be many decades away.

If all goes well, robots can augment human life in ways that no other technological innovation has ever before. Just imagine, you have a walking, talking, intelligent piece of computer that you can have following you everywhere! Now, that is the dream!

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