Twitter has been blocked to prevent disrespectful trolls

Twitter has been designed to prevent disrespectful or abusive trolling. This month, the company has taken this arrangement, said Twitter CEO Jack Dressey.


He said that this initiative has made the initiative to make conversations with each other mutually relevant on Twitter. Those who break this rule, the trollers will be in trouble. As a result, the discussion on Twitter will be further clarified in the future.

There will be strict surveillance on all Twitter accounts that are offensive or malicious comments from now on. For this, Twitter has provided special signaling. Check this signal to see if there is a valid e-mail address for a particular account, whether one has registered for many accounts on the same day or is being regularly tweeted by someone who is not responding to that tweet.


This is why it seems possible to stop a cruel troll, the organization said. In the Twitter report first, it was found that one percent of the miserable trolling was being reported.

But after the start of new signaling, the report of the cruel trolling has dropped by almost 4 percent, and in the speech, the report of the indignant comment has dropped by almost 8 percent.

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