The harmful aspects of using smartphones

Head down, eyes are often seen on the streets of the smartphone screen, and are often seen in the Hathahati. The British daily Guardian AK by calling the 'Walk on the Walk' smartphone 'annoying' is annoying. It is also called zwicking. Researchers from the University of Delaware in the United States said that walking with the use of the phone changes people's movement. With regard to the impact of the ever-changing use of mobile phones, this report-


One study found that 2.6 million British citizens suffered from obesity due to use of gadgets. Due to repeated use of devices due to the use of the device, this problem is called BlackBerry Thumb.
The pain that is felt in the neck due to looking down to see the device's screen is called as ambush. The mass of our head is 10 to 12 pounds, and for a long time, it puts an extra pressure on the spinal side. For example, the 15-degree bending head increases the weight on the neck to 27 pounds. According to the report of 2014, this problem may be spread further as 'TextNeck'. Opticians have warned that the blueprint of the smartphone screen is extremely harmful and excessive use of smartphones can cause long-term eye damage. Eyelashes, headaches, and decreased vision are associated with phone and computer use.

Studies show that 89 percent of American students of the Indiana University are still feeling the "miraculous" mobile brotherhood when their phones remain firm. The problem of 'phantom vibration' is being considered as the primary cause of anxiety. This problem can be caused by seven of every 10 mobile users. A 2011 study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that 16 percent of the phones took shelter of coli (bacteria). Which means that one in six cell phones carries the national components.

Listening to ear

The use of cell phones depends on the practice of ear problems. Using headphones, listening to songs loudly affects diastolic cells and behaving abnormally on the brain. There is a possibility of becoming deaf.

Damage to body bones and joints

Writing messages or messages over an extended period may lead to pain in the finger joints, and if the condition worsens, problems like arthritis may occur. In addition to this, many people use mobile phones while leaving the phone between the shoulders and ears, while talking. Many people are going to send messages over long periods of time. There may be many problems in the body due to the posterior stance. Doctor's advice is to not send messages to your mobile for extra time, this will allow you to stay healthy due to joint joints or joint problems.

Sperm can decrease

Researchers say that high-frequency electro-magnetic radiation emitted from the cell phone. There may be links to brain cancer with this harmful wave. Apart from this, other body cells can cause harm to the harmful waves. Men's reproductive system is also afraid of losses. Researchers claim that the harmful waves emitted from cell phones can affect sperm and reduce sperm density.

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