Love The Bots - Nanites


A nanomachine, also called a Nanite, is a mechanical or electro-mechanical device whose dimensions are measured in nanometers.

Nanomachines are largely in the research-and-development phase, but some primitive devices have been tested.

For the purposes of this post we will assume that they are fully developed and viable technology.

All the way down to a scale capable of rearranging electrons, protons and neutrons.

One application of this technology could be transmutation or as it used to be known as, Alchemy.

To take and rearrange a soup of electrons protons and neutrons you could theoretically take any element and convert it into another.

Providing you had the appropriate amount of the building blocks and energy to manipulate of course.

This would lead to an age of abundance that would eliminate scarcity in its entirety, allowing mankind to create worlds from dust if we willed it.

Another potential use would be in medicine, by manipulating cells and biological processes curing cancer or any number of genetic abnormalities would be as simple as taking a breath of air.

The Nanites could locate and assimilate any number of unwanted tissues or genetic information and re-write the code as it were curing quite literally all the things.

This could even lead to a type of immortality whereby one could simply restart the aging process from say the teenage years and just live your entire life again with all the knowledge of the previous still stored within your eternal flawless mind.

Worried about energy? well worry no more, Nanites have you covered there. By surrounding a star in a swarm of these industrious little blighters we can capture the output completely.

Even going so far as to form up a transmission system to send this energy back to our planet, solving the problem of power for millennia.

This is known as a Dyson Swarm which can be made up of larger blocks but for the purposes of this post we will use nano-scale robots instead of larger components.

So that sun you were tapping for power is looking like it's getting a bit heavy now, so instead of letting nature take its course and allowing the star to eventually run out of fuel.

Why don't we start lifting some of the heavier elements from the star, breaking them back down into elemental hydrogen and feeding it back in.

Or alternatively, pull the heavier elements and use them as building blocks to create a larger swarm which could harvest space gas and dust and drop this into the sun.

This would extend the lifespan of the solar engine almost indefinitely.

Now that we are extending and expanding ideas, have limitless ability to do work so let's think about creating our bodies entirely out of Nanites.

Imagine eternal self healing bodies capable of re-configuring themselves from moment to moment. You want to be a cat, dog, fish, mermaid? sure, Nanites got you covered there.

A being of pure energy? well this might be a bit difficult but I'm sure a dispersed swarm could generate a field inside it, giving your soul a way to express itself through the medium of electrons.

Maybe even beam you across the cosmos at the speed of light (or even as light), allowing you to travel across the void effortlessly.

With this technology one could even go ahead and create entire universes inside universes, battle other entities to create and destroy at a whim.

Any possibility within the material universe you can think of is viable given enough energy input. Excluding perhaps time travel and wormhole stuffs.

But who needs time travel when you can just rewind the clock and re-arrange all the things back to a way they previously were.

I'd love to hear your thoughts any other applications you can think of in the comments below.

Thank you for taking the time to read my simple words dearest readers, much love. <3


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