World Changing matter:Technology.

Technology means the application of scientific Knowledge for practical purpose.Simply,technology is a process by which we convert hard task into easy.Technology also fulfill human purpose.the contribution in technology is not one's country.A lot of country contribute in this feild .Such as:one country made the concept of processor and other country made mother-board and their both contribution assisted to make computer.mother.jpg
Man get technology concept easily or it's inverse incident may be happen.The inventor of particular invention couldn't Know their value of invention ,but their invention remaked the civilization.mobil.jpg

Thomas Alva Adison invented bulb.Before invention of bulb citizen of America cannot get light after sunset and it became true.Man cannot beleive his invention.Thus every scientist perfect of human life.
But ,some invention defeat the imagination.Man get revolutionary change in life.

Such as: invention of mobile,Computer and electricity.When martin cooper invented mobile, his name and fame spread all over the world quickly Man couldn't think that we could communicate by a portable device.For mobile phone mobile phone the world have converted into global village .people can easily communicate by wireless media.

Technology has a vital site that it update day by day. People acceptation from technology is increasing day by day.They want new experience from technology.Man tendency force technology to update it.World will get some upcoming technology that is out of our range.

1.Form 1:3D painting is the technology that could forge your digital.

2.Google Driverless Car:The Google driverless is powered by artificial intelligence that from the camera inside and a sensor.


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