Web Design Training part 1. Basic knowledge.


World Wide Web (www):

The World Wide Web is often called Web. All the web's computers can communicate with each other. All computers follow a standard contact process called HTTP.

How web works:

Web data is stored in a document that is called web page. This pages firstly saved in computer which called web server. Those computer which read web pages called by web client. Web clients use web browser program to read these pages. Most popular web browsers are internet explorer , firefox , google chrome, safari etc.

How browser get web pages:

Bases on web users request web browser get information from server to show the user. This request is standard http request where a page address included. An example of page address:http://www.google.com.

How browser presents a web page:

Every web browser follows a instruction to display. Browsers displays these instruction as a rendar. Basic display instruction is called html tag.

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