How to Track STEEM & Other Cryptocurrencies from your Desktop in Real Time

Hey all,

I apologize you haven't heard from me in a while. I work for a startup (surprise, surprise), and we recently did our big push to launch the company and start accepting customers. It was a very exciting time to see all of my hard work pay off. But the past few weeks involved plenty of late nights and weekends with me leaving at midnight, 2am, 4am; and even an all-nighter the night before launch. So I definitely haven't had time to check Steemit, let alone post.


And while I'm still pretty bogged down with work and other commitments, I wanted to drop in and do a quick post to share something cool with you all.

Track Cryptocurrencies in Real Time with Donut


Those of you who follow me may already be familiar with my Getting Started with Electron series - more posts coming as my time frees up.

For those who are unaware, Electron is stream-lined way of creating desktop applications. The magic is in the fact that you only have to write your code once and can seamlessly package it for Windows, Mac, Linux, and other platforms. And because Electron is big in the open-source community, the apps are almost always free!

Naturally, I regularly check out the newest Electron apps to see if they're useful. Today, I found a cool app called Donut.

Donut is a handy desktop app that enables you to track cryptocurrencies in real time. And of course, STEEM is on there!

What I love about it

  • Lists over 700 currencies
  • Can list conversion rates in numerous FIAT-backed currencies (USD, AUD, GBP, etc.)
  • Updates in real time
  • Convenient search bar at the top
  • Simple UI that hides in your menubar / taskbar
  • Automatically updates the app and cryptocurrency database
  • A great way to learn about other cryptocurrencies you may not have heard of

What needs some love

On Mac, the currency buttons at the bottom don't scroll with your mouse at the moment. I've already filed a GitHub issue for this, and you can track it here.
In the mean time, you can scroll through the list to select one by clicking on the scroll bar and using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move the scrollbar.

Similarly, I'd love to see the following features added:

  • Pin or Favorite certain cryptocurrencies to bring them to the top
  • Get native notifications when there's a significant percentage change in a cryptocurrency you're following
  • Clicking the list entries should give you more information, such as time series analysis on that particular currency

Download Links

I recommend you at least download the app and give it a spin. It's definitely handy for many of you that are closely watching several cryptocurrencies, but even those of you that just want to watch STEEM may find it useful as well.

A full list of download links can be found on the Github Page, but here are direct download links to the three most popular platforms:



Until next time

I'm looking forward to posting on here more as I get a bit more free time and with the holidays coming up. Until then!

Hey, I'm Ryan.

I'm a software engineer living in the Bay Area who's into hypnosis, handwriting analysis, and futurism. You can learn more about me from my intro post.

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