What is VPN? is it useful?

What is VPN? What is it useful?
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VPN is the full-fledged virtual private network. It creates a secure connection between you and other networks on the Internet. Most people use VPN primarily to access sites based on site-based blocking, to protect the information, and to avoid tracing yourself while browsing the sensitive content.

How can VPN help you?

When you connect your device to VPN, it connects itself to another computer (on the server) and creates a secret road or tunnel for your communication with the Internet. If your Internet Service Provider (ISP) understands the presence of this tunnel, you can not access it. As a result, the ISP will not be able to know which sites you are browsing or what data you are passing.
What is the use of VPN? Browse Geo Restricted Content Video and audio streaming sites can browse specific content for specific countries from any country through the Virtual Private Network (VPN). For example, you can not listen to songs from Sitifai sites in Bangladesh. But if you want to connect the VPN to the server of the IP or any other country where there is a service of SPEPT, you can also use the Speedy Service in Bangladesh.

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