“A Robocockroach which can Walk on water”

Hello friends,Now I come to take a new post which make us to think How deep technology can go to give human life a innovative world where robots full fill our requirements and Imagination.
To go farther to reach at this stage.the process started at microlevel.
I am talking about robocockroach which can Swim as well Walk at water surface.cockroach.jpg

This research demonstrates that microrobotics can leverage small scale physics-in this case surface tension-to perform functions and capabilities that are challenging for larger robots.
Scientists have built a robotic cockroach that can Walk on land,Swim on the surface of water,and explores grounds underwater for as long as necessory.

The Ambulatory Microrobot,known as HAMR(robocockroach),uses multifunctional foot pads that rely on surface tension when it needs to swim.However,it can also apply a voltage to break the water surface when it needs to sink.

This process is called Electrowetting.
Which is the reduction of the contact angle between a material and the water surface under an applied voltage.this change of contact angle makes it easier for objects to break the water surface.

This research by scientist from Harvard University in the US opens up the possibility to study new environment.

Moving on the surface of water allows a Microrobot to evade submerged obstacles and reduces drag.

Before giving more information I discribe firstly it's features.

Features of HAMR(robocockroach)
1.HAMR weighs 1.65 grammes-about as much as a large paper clip and it can carry 1.44 grammes-about of additional payloads without sinking.
2.It has four pairs of asymmetric flaps and custom design swimming gaits.
3.It paddles on the water surface to swim.
4.HAMR uses the same gait to walk as it does on dry land and is just as mobile.
5.HAMR faces enormous challenge from the waters hold.

How it swims
HAMR exploiting the unsteady interaction between the it's passive flaps and the surrounding water,the robot generates swimming gaits similar to that of a diving beetle.This allows the robot to effectively swim forward and turn.
A water surface tension force that is twice the robot weight pushes on the robot,and in addition the induced torque causes a dramatic increase of friction on the robots hind legs.

The researchers stiffened that robotics transmission and installed soft pads to the robots front legs to increase payload capacity and redistribute friction during climbing.
Finally,walking up a modest incline,the robot is able to break out of the waters hold.

This robot nicely illustrates some of the challenges and opportunities with small-scale robots",Said Robert wood ,from Harvard.

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