Which of these new technologies will impact your life most in the next decade?

Greetings reader!

One scientific breakthrough follows the other in rapid succession nowadays, and our knowledge as a civilization is growing exponentially. Some people say we are at the brink of reaching the ‘singularity’, the moment when artificial intelligence surpasses our own. At that moment, A.I. will be able to develop itself further at the speed of light. This could be the most impactful event our planet has ever witnessed.

BUT, we are not there yet. However, there are several very promising new technologies, that will have a major impact on our civiliation the coming decade. My fascination for technology and the future led me to the following question:

Which of the technologies below will have the biggest impact on your life the next 10 years, and why is that?

1. Artificial Intelligence

Apart from being really, really good at things that really matter to mankind, like playing Go and Chess at level 900, A.I. also has other useful benefits. From making transportation networks more efficient, to ordering new groceries when you run out of beer. A.I., combined with the synergy of the Internet of Things, will radically change our lifes in the near future.


2. Genome Editing / CRISPR

With programmes like CRISPR we will soon be able to make designer babies. Want your future child to be the new Jackie Chan or Mozart (or a combination of both)? Sure, just send in your DNA and have a latte while you wait. Your baby-to-be’s new DNA will be ready in no time. Curing might also become a disease from the past with tailor-made treatments, specifically designed for your body.


3. Autonomous Driving Vehicles

Companies and Uber are already successfully testing self-driving vehicles in several countries at this moment. In the near future, traveling to work will be just as comfortable traveling businessclass in an airline. For hundreds of millions of people stuck up in traffic jams every day, this will be a major breakthrough. It will also allow you to get rid of that expensive car, and only pay for the time you actually need a car. If you do own a car, you can have it ride around at night operating as a self-driving taxi.


4. Bionic modifications

The exoskeleton which was introduced by the Russian army this week is just one of the many examples of technology used to augment the strength of the human body. Now often used to help people with disabilities, this will used mainly in the future to make human beings super strong and super fast. Apart from exoskeletons, in the not-so-distant future, it will be possible to implant contact lenses that can magnify vision or provide a head-up-display, or even allow the brain to control a PC just by the power of thought (there already are several gadgets on the market that claim to make this possible today).

5. VR – Augmented Reality

Virtual reality, while still in it’s infancy, promises to take the entertainment industry to a new level. Imagine movies or PC games that look so real you completely forget that it’s all just an illusion. In a few years everybody will have a high definition, light-weight VR set at home. With the help of A.I., new games or movies will be developed specifically for individual viewers, to create an experience that tailors to the fantasy of the watcher (this last part will take more time than a decade though).

Interesting sidenote: Elon Musk believes the chances that we are currently NOT already living in a simulation, are one in a billions... (https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/8q854v/elon-musk-simulated-universe-hypothesis).

6. Drones

Maybe not as flashy as human cyborgs or designer babies, drones are making a grand entrance into our every day lives soon. You can already see them being used by cameramen, by kids or even in professional drone races. Soon all packages, groceries and mai will be delivered by drones. Personal transportation might follow suit soon, with drones that can carry up to several people, and can land on any roof. Small drones working together will be able to construct huge buildings in very little time. The possibilities are endless!


7. The Fidget Spinner

Acclaimed by many as ‘the greatest invention since the discovery of fire’, and hailed as ‘the next big thing since the invention of the wheel’, many people believe the fidget spinner will be the new disruptive technology that will turn our lives around 180 degrees.

Which of the above will have the biggest impact on your life, and why? I look forward to hearing your opinion!

Is any technology not yet mentioned that should be on the list? Share them with me and I’ll add them to the list.


Links for further reading:


(all copyright on the pictures used belongs to their respective owners)

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