Kalashnikov now making killer robots

Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov have made a fully automated killer robot. Robotics in war is nothing new, in 2009 I sat in the passenger seat of a Panther controlling a mounted GPMG with a joystick but this is the first time (I'm aware of) that the machine is making the decision to kill.

This is a worrying development. No-one is ever really capable of making the right call in a split second to take a life 100% of the time, but at least a soldier knows that if he kills without any justification he will face prosecution back home (theoretically at least). A machine is essentially a psychopath. It will feel no remorse, no hesitation, no need for de-escalation. A life is judged in binary and found either worthy or unworthy. Much like drone; it takes the act of killing and makes it so remote and unremarkable , so it doesn't cause any headlines back home.

My personal feelings are that killer robots and drones should be banned

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