3 Reasons You Should Switch to Linux!


Here are the Top 3 reasons you should switch to Linux, as soon as possible, there is no reason not to use Linux in 2017, it's gorgeous, easy to use, safe and transparent. Why the hell would you pay 200$ for a proprietary OS? And if you pirate it, then you are a real dumbass, since you expose yourself to malware or even fines if your ISP catches you.


1) Security

There is no match for security that Linux based operating systems can provide. It is fully open source, or open source with some closed source addons like codecs, device drivers, and such. Mostly open source, certainly the kernel, the basic core of the OS is open source.

Linux has multiple forks, so it's not just 1 operating system, it comes in various forms, we call these distributions or distros.

However all Linux distros are by orders of magnitude more secure than their closed source counterparts. Not only does it provide 100% transparency, like no backdoors, keyloggers, malware, trojans and things like that.

But an open-source software is more secure since everyone can review it's code and correct the bugs in it. So is is much more robust and bugs get fixed in no time.

It is really the decentralization OS, if you already use Cryptocurrencies and are a fan of decentralization, then why don't you use Linux too? It's the same philosophy.


2) File Management

Managing files and documents is extremely easy in Linux. There is no C:/Program files or C:/Appdata or any shit like that.

All your documents are in the Home folder, that is all you have access too as a basic user. So you have a core Home folder, and inside that the usual:

  • Desktop (the contents of the Desktop)
  • Documents
  • Download
  • Music
  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Trash

That's all you have access too as a basic user, so that you don't accidentally put your files in unreachable or ambiguous locations like Program files and shit like that. So all your documents are in 1 place, and you can easily back them up whenever you want.

The Home folder is usually on a separate partition by default, so if you need to reinstall your Linux (which you don't most of the time), then all your files will still be there.

The Home folder is encrypted by default, so if your hard-drive gets stolen, nobody can get access to your files without the password.

The System files are totally isolated from the basic user and you always need administrator access to access or modify them. This is partly for security reasons so that malware will never have access to the system's files. This provides extreme security, that other proprietary OS's are laughable compared to a Linux. But also the software installation system on Linux is very organized, so you don't have to worry about Program files and Control panel and Registry and crap like that. You can't accidentally install your software in a wrong place and then have to scrub it off with some file and registry cleaner like on Windows. It's just so much better organized.

So the software installation/deinstallation system is extremely efficient, it doesn't leave behind trash files, you don't have to fix or defragment the registry.... oh my God it's just so much better. You will feel really liberated.

To install a software on Linux is extremely simple, it is done from repositories, so if the app you want to install is in the depository of your OS, then you install it by entering in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install package_name

And then entering the admin password. The package name can be queried, but it's usually similar to the name of the software so if we want to install Electrum:
sudo apt-get install electrum

If the app is on a foreign repository, then you can add the repository in the software repositories which can be selected from the settings menu.

This was the console version, but if you are not a console person, there is a GUI feature too. Linux installation files have the .deb extension. You just double click on a deb file, enter the password.

To remove it you just go to the software manager and remove it from there. Or from the terminal:
sudo apt-get remove electrum

In the case of Electrum, and if you totally want to remove it with config files and dependancies (Linux works like a decentralize OS, multiple apps borrow certain parts of the code from another app or library, it's called a dependancy), then:
sudo apt-get purge electrum

That's it, it's that simple, no need for registry cleaners and defragmentation and shit like that. All softwares get installed in the same place, all softwares can be removed by the same way without any additional requirement from the user.


3) It's all Free

Linux is not just 1 Operating System it's like a swarm of apps. Linux is just the kernel, the core of the OS, but different distros come with different apps. It's like a totally decentralized computer software library.

All of it is free, all apps on Linux are free, and there are many powerful apps there. So while you would need to spend like 2000$ to legally ackquire proprietary software on Windows, on Linux it's all free, it's all better, and it's legal.

To give you an idea:

SoftwareProprietaryFree & Open Source
OSWindows 10 = 200$ + Abandon PrivacyLinux Distro = Free & Keep your Privacy
OfficeOffice 365 Home = 99.99 $ / yearLibre Office = Free
Photo EditorPhotoshop = 29.99$ / monthGimp = Free
Audio EditorSound Forge = 299 $Audacity = Free

And so on, you must be a real chump sucker for paying for all these when you can get a just as good alternative for free.

And the list goes on, on Linux almost every software is free. You can buy proprietary softwares too if you want, some of them work on Linux too, but I guess not many people would buy them so they don’t really release Linux version of them.

But you can run Windows based softwares on Linux with a built-in Emulator called Wine, just right clicking on the software and click run, would emulate the Windows installation feature and would create a virtual C: partition in your Home folder.

So technically you can run Windows inside Linux but in a trusted way, since your important apps would be outside the box and the virtualized OS could not interact with it.


So that’s it, you should really switch to a free operating system like Linux and it’s variants right now, don’t be a sucker and paying these enormous fees, while losing your privacy in the meantime.

Just switch to a Linux now and you will never look back on the dark days of your Windows experience. The only drawback of Linux is that you can’t really play games on it, since most games can’t be emulated since they require Windows specific architecture and deep access to your hardware.

So if you are a gamer then tough luck. But otherwise everything else is much smoother. You can still play browser based games on Linux, all of them. Only installable games don’t work on it, well some do, the older games like pre 2005 that were more simple, but hardly anything after that.

So gamers are out of luck but most of them already use Xbox and things like that, or play browser games. So just install Linux anyway.

But if you use your PC for work, then you should really switch to Linux, since it’s 1000% better than your current OS from every single aspect.

Best General Usage Linux Distros:

I’d recommend Mint if you are a complete Newbie to Linux, since it resembles mostly the Windows interface with taskbar, menu button like the Start, and things like that.

However there are multiple Desktop interfaces for Mint as well (It’s completely decentralized, you have a choice to customize it as you wish).

  • So if you want a very fancy Desktop with apps on it and fancy visual effects, then use the Cinnamon Desktop:
  • If you want a simple, less resource usage, goal oriented Desktop, then try the Mate edition:


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