7 Steps to Better Mobile Marketing

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Nearly 60% of the searches online happen on mobile, not to mention social media clicks and email checks. People might still tend to finish their purchases on desktop, but with considerable research on other devices over time.

Here is my guide on optimising your website and online marketing.

Landing page loading time.
There are a lot of useful tools for landing page speed optimisation. According to Google the ideal loading time for mobile is under 3 seconds. Everything after 5 seconds has more likelihood to be skipped. Factors which might affect your mobile speed can be various but usually one of the easiest fixes is to reduce the image size. This testing tool is developed by Google for mobile page optimisation and creates a very useful report of easy fixes. You can use webpagetest.com for more in depth analysis.website-speed-mobileCall to action button is easily accessible.

Whatever happens, you must make sure a conversion is possible on mobile. If you are using a Captcha (I am not a Robot) or any other tick boxes, make sure they do not obstruct your CTA button. The user must be able to complete a conversion in just a few taps. One of my favourites is the “sticky CTA” which stays on screen while scrolling.

Sticky-CTA-mobileUse Social Media Login.
These are great because they generate the email a user has already shared with the social media and make the sign up smooth. Remember, the least fiddly, the better.

Fat Finger Design.
Since, the user has much less visible space and any accidental link clicking must be avoided. Focus on readable direct call to action with a large button and avoid other links.

Avoid pop-ups.
If your website has a pop up, you remove this one from the mobile version as it reduces conversion rate.

Paid search.
Make bid adjustments on your search campaigns. In Google AdWords, you can make bid adjustments by device. This is crucial if you would like to appear on the first page of search results on mobile. If your current position is below 3 on mobile, then you must increase your bids.
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Preview your social media ads on mobile. Facebook ads can look very different on smaller devices. Some parts of your copy might not appear in full, so make sure you have the main message visible.

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