Automation, Value, and Social Progress

So I was talking with someone on farcebook today about social security and automation. I found I was typing a long response and changed course. I'm gonna write it here and hope it sparks further discussion on the blockchain. Y'all jump on in!


Sir, here's my response to you:

Automation creates jobs. Someone has to make the servo motors. Someone has to design the machines. Someone has to service them and program them. It's exactly the same, it's just more efficient. And as automation demand increases, there will be even more of these jobs.

Photo taken from Google. Sources noted.

I'm a welder. I'm probably one of the most replaceable careers in the world as far as automation is concerned, so I learned how to run robots. Now I know another skill. When you see something in the market that's a threat to you, you have two options:

  1. You can fight it and let the objectivity of the market decide who wins (cool), or:
  2. If it is clear to you from market observation that you can't beat it, adapt yourself.

Fighting automation is a bad idea at this point, unless you have a more efficient idea than automation. The market doesn't care. Not because it has no morals, but because it is objective. It is going to choose efficiency.

Photo taken from Google. Sources noted.

I agree with you to a degree about stores of value being worthless though. But because what you consider valuable, I may not consider valuable. Gold, for example, is 100% worthless to me. I have no use for it and I know nobody that does. That realization led me to understand that value is subjective. Someone has a use for gold, but they're far away from me and don't have anything I need. What is valuable to me is what's valuable to anyone that has something I need, so I have to observe and know my network. My community.

That's what social progress is. That's how people are going to make the world better. Not with fear, uncertainty, and doubt, but with objectivity, honesty, and innovation.

Don't look at society through a film of fear. Look at it objectively and let your observations make logical decisions for you.

And if you're worried about the dollar collapsing, check into crypto. It's a really interesting technology. It's a free market value transfer system that's powered by a concept called the blockchain. The blockchain is a decentralized transparent ledger system which allows us to take trust out of the payment process. No more debt-based fiat money that's backed by "full faith and credit." Blockchain is objective, honest, and innovative.

Stay relevant y'all.


P.S. I find a lot of value in discussion. Most of the upvotes I receive and give to the community are in discussions, not on main posts. That's the power of this community. We're putting our discussions on the immutable blockchain. Use this space for important things. This is social progress, and it is being recorded in a permanent and traceable way. Treat it as such. Say useful things. (I could write a whole post about this!)

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