Do you know how the network works? Let's know

Do you know how the network works? Let's know

How does the Internet function? Great inquiry! The Internet's development has turned out to be dangerous and it appears to be difficult to get away from the barrage of seen continually on TV, heard on radio, and found in magazines. Since the Internet has turned out to be such an extensive piece of our lives, a great comprehension is expected to utilize this new instrument generally successfully.

Protocol Stacks and Packets

So your PC is associated with the Internet and has a special address. How can it 'talk' to different PCs associated with the Internet? A case should serve here: Let's say your IP address is and you need to make an impression on the PC The message you need to send is "Hi PC!". Clearly, the message must be transmitted over whatever sort of wire associates your PC to the Internet. Suppose you've dialed into your ISP from home and the message must be transmitted via telephone line.

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