Ict changes our life significantly..Specially who's are going to be development country like Bangladesh its really worthy to them..One country can developed itself fast through proper use of Ict.. The world is progressing more faster compare with the past because of Ict..We are now having everywhere the use of Ict

where Bangladesh using Ict significantly let's discuss below..

ICT at the workplace of Bangladesh 👬🔰💻

Like other countries in the world, Bangladesh is now being seen in multinationals and use of ICT in the field of action..These effects and the range are constantly growing..
Two types of ICT effects are noticed in the field of action..Firstly, due to the application of ICT to unpredictable workplaces, increasing efficiency and market expansion, ict itself has created new workplaces...Increased accountability and transparency of employees due to the use of ICT in traditional workplaces and old business and commerce..On the other hand, the quality of this service has improved also..Currently, the common skills of using ICTs are considered to be a basic qualification for most of the jobs in the country..From banking to business to corporate offices of multinational companies, presentation software from word processor has to be proficient in email different types of analysis software from internet browsing...As well as the ability to use different specialized software..

On the other hand, ict itself has created a large market of action..Starting from hardware software to maintenance website, etc. Now a great workforce for new skilled workers..Not only in the country, ICT skilled workers can operate outside the country or work independently, a large part of this work can be done at home..Outsourcing, many people are now earning valuable foreign currency for Bangladesh..



Social communication and ICT 📩💬

People are social organisms..People need people's communication to move and develop in the society, but now ICT is talking to people on the network through social network.This means that through the use of information and communication technology, people who communicate and communicate to express communication and expressive emotions..

Due to the development of information and communication technologies, this communication has become easy and now safe in many areas..Internet access email mobile phone and messaging system using blogging and social networking platforms ict now based social communication is very easy..There are many platforms on the Internet that are known as social media, the two most popular are Facebook and Twitter...



⚫ Facebook (
Facebook is a website of social networking..On February 4, 2004, Mark Zuckerberg started it with his other friends..Anyone free can be a member of Facebook..Users can update friends' attachment messages and update their personal information..It also can be used to publish audio and video..
Any company on Facebook can open their own, as well as similar friends can open a group..According to report March 2015 the number of Facebook users in the world is 1415 million..



⚫Twitter (
Twitter and a social networking system have a fundamental difference with it, users have to express and express their views within the maximum 140 characters.For that, it is called a microblogging website..This time 140 characters are called tweet..Twitter messages are shown on Twitter's profile page.On Twitter, members of the other members can follow Sheikh Bazooka to read tweets. Followers who follow them are called followers..



Entertainment and ICT 🎬

A new direction has been exposed in the entertaining world with the development of information and communication technologies. It has happened in the first place, in the first place, how people will take pleasure in the process, there is a fundamental change in the second, there has been a qualitative change in the different entertainment modes.

Let us see how the change took place in the process of acceptance. There was a time when people had to go out of the house to entertain when they had to go to the cinema to watch the game to go to the playground to go to the playground to listen to music.Now for such entertainment, people do not have to come out of the house and the radio comes first and then the television comes after the computer has been connected to the computer at one time.We discovered that a man can enjoy almost all kinds of entertainment from within the walls of four walls. When the computer was invented, its original work was computing, or the only big institution or government to calculate a computer..



With the improvement of technology, the computer has become available and once the people started using the computer for their own personal work..When the computer is strong, it is only used for writing or accounting, and gradually started to be used for entertainment.Now the common man is most likely to use computers to entertain the cheeks of the movie. Now everything can be done by computer, due to information technology, the change in the entertainment process has changed in the same kind of entertainment..

Digitalizing the Music Now we can listen to music on the computer, just like we can see the video or the movie, it is possible to keep a large amount of information after cd-rom or sister came out..It is a very simple thing to watch movies from a computer or a TV on the television without having to go to the movies..After installing a fiber optic network, the fast Internet has started to be available..So now one does not have to rely on audio CDs or DVDs to listen to music or to watch movies, it is not possible to enjoy direct songs or movies using the internet, though television channels are now used to listen and watch on the internet, and they often When this record is recorded, there is no need to wait for someone to wait for anything while watching the desire to go could see immediately that..



After the improvement of the IT technology, there was a new entertainment that was not previously enjoyed. Computer games..The world of computer games has created huge industries and many types of computer games have been born..Seeing the widespread popularity of computer games, we can estimate that it is a very successful medium of success, the main reason for the success of this is that it can be an adult of a small child who gives everyone a taste of their own happiness, can play computer games with one another, play with computers or even network You can play with someone outside..

In fact, in many cases the intensity of this entertainment may be so much that it can lead to a kind of addiction and that's why people are being warned around the world to enjoy computer games..Information technology has played a major role in creating an animation. Animation Tiger Cartoon was one of the hardest things to do now, because of IT and strong computer, it has become much easier now, not only is creative creativity due to the creativity of a whole new thing Digital Actor of a Graphics-Based Film Without True Actor-Actress Leading actress has begun to be born in a famous business movie, using a powerful computer to create a mythical dinosaur or a different world animal is a very common thing...

In a word, we can say that due to information technology, not only is the new entertainment being born, the entertainment is now reaching to the general public. The biggest thing is to start thinking that ICT-based entertainment will be at some stage.



Digital Bangladesh📊📃

The present government has taken a plan to build digital Bangladesh for the first time by 2021..Through a bloody war, we have achieved our independence in 1971, it will fulfill its half-century in 2021 and that is why during this time a dream of taking our beloved motherland to a special place touched us all, so the digital Bangladesh is not a word but it is a reality The government and the common people of this country are not a big initiative to give Is going..At first we should know what we mean by analog and digital words..

When the variable data is released by the signal, it is called an analog signal. For example, let's think about our daily temperature...
When this expressed temperature is indicated in the signal, it is called an analog signal..Analog signal helps us to get accurate and accurate information that does not match the quality of the quality. These analog signals are expressed in two ways in a specific way, due to the fact that the data is more accurate than the analog signal, the data is more accurate than the digital signal.

This type of signal used for publication is called digital..For example, while the shimmering turns out to be a signal, the unturned kite displays digital signals..But digital bangladesh is not just used as a computer-generated country. It is a much more comprehensive digital Bangladesh. It is meant to be used by the use of information and communication technology.



It is meant to be modern Bangladesh, using all the technologies to implement the right to education, employment and poverty. Bangladesh's goal.. To reach this goal, it is important to think of positive reality and innovation by changing our old mentality..The basic point behind the Digital Bangladesh is to ensure transparency and accountability of human rights for democracy and justice and to make the maximum use of technology for them...

His ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life of all types of people. In order to implement the vision of digital Bangladesh, the government has given importance to four specific issues. Human resources development is the involvement of the people. Civil service and the use of information technology in everyday life..

Bangladesh has started working to expand the information technology in comparison to many other countries in the world, so far, Bangladesh is far behind than many other countries, while not knowing the importance of information and communication technologies, it is now very important to be associated with the submarine cable, Payment is possible..



There is a beautiful aspect of the spread of technology, if any country or nation is lagging behind a specific technology, they should not always be behind them, they can be dragged out by big jumps, so that Bangladesh is trying to equalize the other country with its full force, due to the government's interest, the country's IT and infrastructure The fiber optic line is being installed all over the country Border regions have taken the initiative to bring Internet services to the telephone number of the country was negligible just a decade ago is now freely every adult in this country..

Information service center at the union level has opened in the remote areas as the post office, mobile money order has been made available..Along with the Union Information Center, a large addition to the district information cell and national information cell country infrastructure..Registration of mobile telephone BA admission test is known to be the result of public exam results or train ticket purchases regularly..

Reading the information and communication technology of the school college has been taught computer science at the college university of the country. The youths of the country are joining different software companies as well as building their own company and a large number of young women are strengthening the country's economy by outsourcing at private level..No one should think of this success of IT, we have already reached our target.

It is not true. We have to go a long way in this way, since most of our people live in the village, the first step towards building a Digital Bangladesh is to provide information and communication technology to the rural people Service coverage..So, to build the huge infrastructure, to get the full benefit of IT technology, in this case the need for skilled manpower will increase the quality of education at the school college university. More students will be able to develop skills in information and communication technology. Through this governance, transparency will be ensured for the new generation has to be encouraged to utilize innovative power school and information and communication technology industry will have to adjust, then we developed the Digital Bangladesh...




We are having now almost every kind of privileges of Ict..In future Ict will take full responsibility of our regular life..In Bangladesh the use of Ict is not more compare to other strong country... Its a important condition to have country development its must to do the proper use of Ict in the present world..We are now in a "DIGITAL BANGLADESH " mission so, its must to us to take good care of Ict department

I am enjoying a lot to write about technology more because I'm having a lot of support from many of you specially @hr1 and @steemitbd community.. they pushing me to write more good blog in steemit..pray for me everyone to keep my writing spirit like this every time...

Thank you all

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