A new study reveals the collision of a car delivered to the planet after millions of years

A new study reveals that the context of the delivery of the sent into space on a rocket "Falcon's haven" earlier this month, will be destroyed after a few million years, the researchers found this result by conducting a series of computer simulations to track the trajectory of the car through the solar system over the past 3 million years, which showed that there is %6 collision of the vehicle with the earth in the last 100 million next year, and a possible 2.5% of the collision of the planet Venus.

The car currently circulating around the sun in the orbit of elliptical shape, "Hanoi Rennes" author mainland to study, from the University of Toronto in the centre of Scarborough to the world of planetary in a statement :"although we can not say on what planet is gonna crash the car, don't we, in the case of contentment because they will remain Aloft in space for tens of millions of years".

"Dan Tamayo" Co-researcher in the study, from the University of Toronto Scarborough in the same statement: "depending on some of the details, can expel the climb to orbit a wider or smaller, but with the passage of time will journey by random".

The researchers pointed out that the policy delivered, it is possible to pass near the earth is relatively in the year 2091.

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