[Programming] Beginning the Search for Discovery


I decided that today I'm going to tinker around with some code which may lead to a method for generating Discovery on the steem blockchain. No promises yet, but every new idea starts with experimentation.

Frankly, I wouldn't even bother taking up this sort of thing if Jupyter Notebooks didn't exist – or I should say JupyterLabs, now. They took their standard Notebook editable real-time interface and built a proper IDE environment around it, so that you can do multiple window management, text editing, multiple views on the same document, and all with the integrated data exploration tools from Notebooks.

In this case, I'm grabbing some code from one of my earlier posts in order to re-factor it and rebuild it into a new post using entirely different tools. That's as easy as grabbing one of the blocks on the left and simply dragging it into the document on the right. Repeat until I have all of the stuff I need.

If you are a programmer and you're not using this, I hope you have an environment that is equally as flexible to work in.

Oh, did you notice that it's all running in a browser window? That's right, it all lives inside your browser. (Okay, that's not completely true – there is a server program running on the backend on my system and the interfaces through the browser. But that's not as impressive.)

Maybe I will come up with something through this. Maybe not. We'll just have to see.

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