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LG's CES 2018 was a Big Fail Cause a ROBOT CLOi

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His name is 'Cloi'. It was said that he was quite agile for housekeeping. Using technical artificial intelligence in the use of modern kitchen materials made by a particular company will help. In the same way, the body has been made of decoction. Appearing before the audience, he was presented officially to prove his skill. But what did kohli do! No order was heard! In response to the instruction, only the 'eyes' peepit in front of the audience!

Robot cloi, a South Korean company created by LG, has blocked the entire program. The hands of the organizers! But the clamor of satire has been seen in social media by observing cloi's order.

According to BBC Online news, the new year LG has taken steps to propagate 'Thinqui' software to make home-made use easier. Robot cloi has been created as part of it.
LG presenting Cloison through a press conference at the technology fair held in Las Vegas, USA on Monday. David Vanderwald, head of LG's marketing department, hosted the program, who started the conversation with Clois on the stage. In a cheerful voice, Cloi's tells the presenter a good morning and wants to know what he can do for her. Then the presenter wants to know, what are his tasks for today. In reply, cloi says that he must first go to the gym for exercise, be able to be strong.
So far everything was going well. Then began the hazard.

Want to know the presenter, will he start washing now? Cloak He asked again, What is the dinner today? Cloi's answer is no. After the presenter told himself he would cook chicken. What is the recipe in that case? But cloi did not answer any question.
Finally, to avoid the embarrassing situation, the presenter concluded that episode 'Cloi Didn't like me'.

The first time the audience did not answer the question of clove, the audience began to laugh at 'deliberate' to make the show fun. The second time the audience can understand that there is a mistake somewhere. However, the answer to the third question is that if the cloth is unhappy, silence will come across the whole ceremony. The visitors really started getting sorrow for him.

However, if the video of the cloak's instruction is not spread through social media, there is a lot of humor.

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