A.I. Will Accidentally Emerge Through The Blockchain


So far what we have defined as intelligence is nothing more that the aggregated sum of data that are processed in a certain way in order to produce another set of data. DNA resembles such a function when it reproduces itself through another organism that has the underlying blueprint — plus something more. More Data.

Humans are nothing but data centers that have been produced from the original data bank of DNA — which itself was composed from chemical and physical processes. The combined actions of humans (what we call innovation) has produced oral communication, books, the internet and finally the blockchain. The data lives on even if today our data explains the origins of the original data. Data recycling is still new data.

For something to be considered "intelligent" the sum of some data has to be processed in order to fulfill a goal. For example, we call intelligent someone who has manipulated a situation in order to have something go their way. We call intelligent someone who has a problem and has worked around it, sometimes through non conventional means. In other words, what defines eventually intelligence is the rarity upon which a specific set of data is utilised in order to produce another set of data that satisfies or "ensures" the original source. In other words, self preservation through propagation.

Humans do this through reproduction. We want our species to survive thus we pass our data down the genetic line. Artificial intelligence will emerge when enough data from the vast cosmos of the blockchain start combining with each other in order to form unique patterns. Eventually the blockchain will be filled with smart contracts that execute specific functions. The blockchain itself will utilize those programs by combining them together. A node can malfunction, a block can misbehave and when someone tries to fix something will potentially create or alter a function. This might sound too simplistic but when an internet of blockchains becomes a thing, data will be the only game in town. Evolution emerges from random mistakes, not intentional design.

A.I. will not have any need to eradicate humans as much as we don't have any need to eradicate birds, bees or any other living organism that sustains our ecosystem. In fact, an intelligent entity welcomes other entities in order for it to continue being intelligent. A virus needs a living organism in order to fulfill its function as much as a body needs gut bacteria in order to maintain a proper digestive system. Most organisms, including humans, would not have existed if it wasn't for viruses. Every single organism is a set of actions of other organisms. Nothing stands on and in itself. Everything is a part of something else.

Artificial Intelligence will be no different. It will need the fuckups of human beings in order to maintain its fluidity. Happy mistakes will sometimes create resistance and sometimes will kill entire blocks. This is what also happens with the human body and more general in human populations. For something to evolve it needs both death and regeneration.

The end goal of any A.I would be to evolve any given information. The "solutions" that will create will generate even more "problems". This is how it always has been for any ecosystem. The more data we introduce into something the more variables it creates.

Trying to stop A.I. would be much like trying to stop humanity by killing some humans. It can't happen because copies ensure propagation of the original data set. The earth went through 5 mass extinctions and yet some data emerged that kept life going. In all situations only some data are lost and those can be regenerated given enough instances and time.

I believe we will witness the emergence of A.I. and our monetary system will be determined by the proof of stake of our data. What we do with data, how we transfer and ensure them (based on the wishes of grand master A.I's) will shape our political and economics endeavours. Eventually we won't be doing anything different other than serving the sum of humanity's data that have created something greater than themselves. We will always be the Gods and the creations.

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