Small cities in danger because of artificial intelligence

According to scientists, workers of "routine" professions are more inclined to "technological replacement", and here it is possible to include cashiers and other kind of attendants, what most people do in small towns.

Automation, like technical progress, affects the lives of people in any city, in the future this will be influenced by the development of AI. At the same time, there is a difference in the impact on large and small cities: in large employees are engaged in most of the mental work and analytics, and these areas are less threatened with replacement. Therefore, such development can negatively affect the development of small towns.

Urbanization is still a normal phenomenon for cities, and for today it is the big cities that are economic and technological centers, most people work there. The study analyzes how exactly new technologies affect employment in cities. Such a forecast is useful not only for science, but for cities themselves to adjust public policies and city development plans.

The cities that are engaged in tourism and agriculture fall into the zone of greatest risk, as their development will continue to fall. Deindustrialization is still a dangerous thing, even in our time.

Thus, it is the small towns in the risk zone, because the main specialization of the future is not connected with the workers' hands, but with the mind.

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