Blaze of the New Thunder - The JF 17 Thunder

 “Hear O Enemy! Listen close. Mine would be the last roar you hear, the last shadow you see and the last whisper you fear. For when I rise from my den of clouds, the day my hunting ground, the night my cloak, I rise to prey. I strike fierce, I strike hard, death my friend and life my purpose. Forged with passion and powered with zeal, I am the flash of lightening you’ll see at your 6 your last day in the sky, that’s when you’ll know, there’s no escaping the thunder for I am the thunder myself. Created by Zeus you stand no chance against me. Fear me and stay in your homes, for the sky is mine to rule and mine alone. I am the thunder.”   

Characteristics | Specifications


 Entered service | 2007 

 Crew | 1   man

Dimensions   and weight  | 

Length | 14   m   

Wing   span | 8.5 m   

Height  | 5.1 m     

Weight   (empty) | 6.4 t     

Weight   (maximum take off) | 12.7   t    

 Engines   and performance

Engines  | 1 x   Klimov RD-93   

Traction   (dry / with afterburning)  | 49.4 / 84.4 kN     

Maximum   speed  | ~ 2   200 km/h 

Service   ceiling | 16.7 km   

Ferry   range  | 3   000 km     

Combat   radius  | 1 350 km     

Armament  |   

Cannon | 1 x 23-mm / 30-mm     

Missiles | PL-12   medium-range; PL-7, PL-8, PL-9, AIM-9P short-range     

Bombs  | general purpose or laser-guided bombs    

The Realization of a Dream

JF-17 Thunder (JF – Joint Fighter) is the celebrity nowadays in the circles of Pakistani military assets and Pakistan Air Force. Ever Since its performance in the Paris Air Show where it came out of the darkness and prevailed with a bang, everyone has been talking about the star jet of the PAF. The JF-17 is a joint accomplishment of PAC (Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Kamra) and CAC (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, China) where it was called the FC-1 Xialong (Fighter China 1 Fierce Dragon). It has proven itself a crown jewel for both of its manufacturers. The program was initiated with a grand cost of USD 500 million which was invested by both the parties equally. The program was intended to provide the Pakistan Air Force with a multi role Air Craft ready to be employed in multiple scenarios and that too keeping in mind the budget prospects of the developing nation. Another vision behind the molding of this idea was to end the Pakistani dependence on western firms for their jets and that too at high prices. This vision was indeed embodied as the Thunder was crafted at about one third the cost, at which another plane of the same magnitude would have been purchased. Pakistan was in need of this craft as it needed an upgrade from its Chinese MiG-19/21 derivatives and French Mirage III/V fighters. The estimate for the need of new fighters in the PAF is made to be about 250. 


Distinctiveness of the Thunder 

What makes the JF 17 Thunder so efficient and reliable? Let’s talk about a few good things about it.   · First of all it’s an all-weather plane. This craft was made in Pakistan and for Pakistani climate and when we speak of Pakistani climate we talk of a plane that can travel in humid climates like sea bordering cities to depth dry deserts, from temperatures of -30 degrees to 55 degrees, from low level plains to some of the highest peaks in the World and from low altitudes to high above the clouds. So as you can see that it can fly in almost all the climates in the world. · Its glass cockpit and the additional advantage of the Hands on throttle and Stick feature makes it very pilot friendly. The HOTAS feature is a scheme in which maximum buttons and procedures are supplied at the throttle stick in which maximum functions can be performed without removing the hand from the stick. Navigation as well as weapon information is displayed in the headwear. These features are a boon of the efficient avionics system which has its origins from west. · This aircraft is intended for air defense and ground attack missions. It is a heavy jet with a long range with the ability to infiltrate deep into enemy land and bring down hell from the sky. It is going to form the backbone of PAF in very near future as it’s the prized possession of the force. · MD-7 Is another of the shining jewels in the crown of JF 17. It has the following features. Electro-Optic Targeting With Infrared, TV And Laser Sensor. With the help of the above described features this fancy headwear is hard to lose. It can track anyone, anytime almost anywhere. In Infrared Detection Mode It Can detect up to 20Km.The TV Mode gives 22Km target detection and target 17Km identification features.     

The Thunder Ruled the Paris Sky

The flying beauty came into the limelight when its dazzling performance in the 51st Paris Air Show left everyone amazed and impressed. The striking maneuvers and daring stunts made everyone’s hearts skip a beat. It was its debut performance and it made this performance a true embodiment of the phrase, the first impression is the last impression. Flown by Wing Commander Usman the jet left the audience spell bound and on their feet. Talking about the plane later in a ceremony after the show Air Vice Marshal Arshad Malik, Chief Project Director, JF-17 Project, PAF addressed the media and said, “ With its light-weight, all-weather, multi-role characteristics, the JF-17 enjoys comparative agility and maneuverability in all regimes vis-a-vis the fighters of same category. The strength of JF-17 lies in its advanced aerodynamics and modern avionics.”     

Export Prospects

With its entry into the Pakistan Air Force, it has opened the doors of a new domain for the force, one which was not explored before. This plain has broadened the prospects of export of the craft to other countries which, like Pakistan are reliant on second generation jets like the Thunder. The attractive part being its cost which is much less than that demanded by companies from the west for similar class plains. Just after the winding up of the air show the nation was given a good news. “A contract has been signed with an Asian country,” says Air Commodore Khalid Mahmood, the Pakistan air force officer who leads sales and marketing efforts for the type. The name of the country is still kept in secret under privacy issues. The project has been a complete success up till now and promises good future ahead. The officials and officers at PAF are driven to improve their project at daily basis. Proof to this claim is first the block 2 version that came after the first version as an improvement and now the block 3 which is in pipelines.   


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